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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. mah... I ain't in it for the money. I'm in it so i can take over the world!!!
  2. um.. at that rate the supplies are gonna be ready pretty soon i think
  3. Run! i got their flag! http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/6936/flagcarrier9ju.th.jpg Here I was making friends with the italians who raided our camp at the field where the pope was gonna preform mass http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/3907/italiano7li.th.jpg This is after going to the stadium... and standing at the sun for like... 3 hours... after we walked for 2 hours just to find out that all the tickets were sold out... http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/9459/thesubway4rm.th.jpg I think we were kinda drunk too... we went to a chinesse restaurant and then went to a bar. Gotta love Germany
  4. what? emu? his hair don't look like some bird.. oh... emo...
  5. 2 days ago i got a letter from El Tiempo (a Colombian news paper) they said that they liked a short story (I was using the same characters from the story I have been sending to gynis) and that they were gonna publish it in an upcoming edition of the newspaper where they were gonna feature a whole section about young writters like myself this feels freaking awsome!!!
  6. Esteban

    AQ Mats

    yeah.. the problem in our server is that most alliance are bussines people and not gamers ^^
  7. word.. as in 1 word? word: Fool
  8. Esteban


    yeah... but you still spoke french when i got on your TS server.. how rude
  9. 10 pages already? Word: Badger
  10. Esteban

    AQ Mats

    still... don't both sides have to turn everything in before opening the gates?
  11. I think nexus crystals come from lvl 50+ purples.... dont quote me on that tho
  12. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post6524868 what should you do?
  13. Rumor has it that we are gonna get the unmutated ones... that acording to lore are pretty cool looking
  14. Esteban

    New Record

    jessh.. like wer /famous.. we shouldnt have to explain our motto...
  15. I think akkasha is a girl noob Frost you troll too much.. oh and talking about indecent... remember that time we got that thread about "The girls have gone out to play" on The UCA forums? I found it hilarius what Junior eddited that thread into
  16. Esteban


    oh no.. you will only speak french... I KNOW YOU TOO WELL!!
  17. http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_index.php IM in 3d ! gasp!!! edit: as in Instant messenger
  18. Esteban

    New Record

    you will never beat RR's record tho 5000 posts and most of them were actual interesting posts.. unlike frosts' ..
  19. you'd think wizard oil would be Alchemy.. tsk tsk tsk
  20. /sign I'll be back when the expansion hits the stores.. or summer whichever comes first
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