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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. jeesh... and i thought i was a grammar geek...
  2. Esteban


    WTS lvl 60 mage Esteban what else would any one need to know $2.000
  3. AH! that song is stuck in my head
  4. Esteban

    Im Back!

    ahhah WB marbo
  5. It takes about ... 20 night elves to down an MC boss on average it takes 1.5 gnomes to down an MC boss (thats Juniorx mekock and me )
  6. ... i gues big booms are out of the question eh bramas?
  7. I know... in RL shammans get one hitted by trucks... I know.. I saw junior try.. it was on the news and everything "(junior's real name) duels truck: Truck=2 JuniorX=0"
  8. Shoop is a great leader in AV. It's hard to get people to listen but apparently shoop already has some fame one the field and most people listen to 'em:D
  9. I think we can safely say that the human race is screwed up
  10. ROFL.. look at the chest of the archemist set.... there is a freaking rabit on it!
  11. OMG... I wonder what I will look like... just for the kicks of it I wanna get the shoulders
  12. I dont like the netherwind... http://www.worldofwarcraft.co.kr/info/worl...d/underdev/1p9/ The priest one looks a little too warlockish to me the warlock one is kinda neat tho.
  13. is it just me or does that look just like the Diablo ui?
  14. This be ME! beware my hairy handsomeness! which went away almost a year ago.. oh yeah that person next to me is my sister http://img36.exs.cx/img36/5915/8b-teamandreste.jpg and this is me when im going out to write/watch movies at the mall http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/8204/10003788dc.jpg
  15. http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=335528 be amazed by their overpowerment![/img]
  16. Oh I know that. However you can't ignore that in our little heads there are some chemical procceses, in the head of some of us those processes favor some things over the other. Even tho addictions are indeed a choice, your biological make up may make you more vulnerable to them, like some people are alergic to peanuts... exept not in the same context
  17. Esteban

    rest of MC

    I rolled another 100... the mage loot is reset for next run... unless we have new mages for tomorrow (I think if you come you will get loot) im such a loog whore
  18. I wont lie. im addicted to wow, but thats cuz my family (from moms side) is prone to addiction. they all smoke, some do drugs. I rather be addicted to woW and be around doing drugs or drinking like there is no tomorrow
  19. I got psp 8.0 I eh... borrowed it from a friend.. who borrowed it from another friend, who in turn borrowed it from a friend of his he met through Kazza
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