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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. I gots Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames : this version has target of target of target, and a bounch of handy plugins. Titan panel: Honor+ rocks! MageAutoBuff: cuz i forget to buff in pvp Decursive: oh yeeeah Scrolling Combat text: this is very cool CtRaid Assist: a must have
  2. Liking the mage one... exept i kinda liked how the magister's robe covered the gloves... oh well I know I am upgrading my shoulders
  3. boo the states for asking me for a visa... i got the funds.. and the time to go but a visa would take me like.. 6-7 months to get.. and I wouldnt be surpriced if it is rejected in the bases of me being colombian so no trips to the us until I am a Canadian citizen
  4. lol well at least that only means i gotta worry about getting 1 trinket
  5. yup joe is totally right.. i havent gone in like.. a year god..
  6. Gah mages get no love... wait autocast wards? ooooo that sounds interesting where is my blink fix?
  7. I know stunage from LD is combat... if that helps... somehow
  8. Esteban

    Be Afraid

    it is GMs have been seend wielding that weapon on test servers
  9. Miroku you party pooer...
  10. and I am trolling around... ehr.. /wave garnok /wave gynis /wave arafelz
  11. Esteban

    Sneak O.O Peek

    oh yes.. I want some camara time too.. i mean what is an FP movie without a little Esteb here and there ^^
  12. Esteban

    Sneak O.O Peek

    well... erlin and garnok are there...
  13. HAHA A few days ago I was really bored and decided to head to the barrens for some dangerous hanging out (instead of standing around in IF and SW). I went to the crossroads and sat there watching the horde go around with their bussiness. Every once in a while some lowbies (lvl 10-30) would decide that taking me down would be wroth their time. So I made sure that they died slowly as they watched their attacks do nothing but bring my green bar to 50%. Some times a lvl 60 would show up and assist them, only to realize that I did not have the intention of fighting... thus sitting with me while sharing emotes and dancing and fun stuff. Hanging out with the horde is funny . Anyways... about that "we will gank you" threat. I laughed at it... it is not like lilsmite doesnt get ganked every time he goes runing around for a quest. It is a pvp server... If they corps camp me I just go to Lashir or Esteban and either quest or go to where lilsmite died and gank em with Esteban. ahhahah that thread is just too funny
  14. it didnt say 125% on the tooltip i saw
  15. 15 bux american is like... 20 canandian bux ... which is what I pay for my shirts... and what would I charge for the ones I am working on. so yup
  16. omfg! this movie is so freaking hilarius.. Arcanite reaper HOO!!!! "hes immune to my moonfire spam" HAHAH
  17. ? 16k over 15 seconds... I don't care about the dps... I care , like nyne, about how big the crits are.
  18. you are going to love all the purples you are going to get too anyways... Elemental... I see it viable for BWL, but for MC... ehr... I am not so sure... it would be a hard time for you in there
  19. I already got x fire.. it works fine with me
  20. I am gonna post here just to check mine ohoho cool I am Uber l33t too
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