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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3530 Is the first page for real?...
  2. wow.. thats some extreme gaming
  3. insnt there a boot in the FP basement that automatically kicks people that have a higher post count than Shoop?
  4. Esteban

    FP AB Ownage

  5. holy crap! that is an awsome car
  6. or they are pve... and they had heard about the gathering of mats (like most of us did) before the patch and using some common sence decided to save the most common mats?
  7. he doesnt do BGs... .that talisman is a waste right there
  8. Pitty that the talisman went to Stric... he wouldn't abuse it as much as I would
  9. yeah I loved germany for that We went to like 372983752 bars after the event was over
  10. there is over 100 estebans...
  11. wordsmithing (damn you frost thats MY word)
  12. I really think that what the dood meant was that now that he might be able to afford to stay the full run he might wanna join us. Not that he wanted to join us now that we were faster. I think your mentality is set up that if you cant go to the whole thing you shouldn't go. That if you had taken so much time and only progressed so far it makes every run you did look like some sort of demonstration. I used to feel that way too. At times I hated it that I had spent 2 months without seeing Rag down, or seing my epic count go up. The thing is I also realized that sticking around to hear Vanin to WHAAAMMMMMY!, or have every one laugh at my "How YOU doin'" and those kinds of silly things were what it was all about and in the mean time we were slowly progressing through the game (even though I was not getting those juicy purples /drool ). But just yesterday I saw... WoW they took down vael to 15% pretty amazing, I helped these noobs get that far by means that I didnt know I was using. That should be the reward to you. The feeling that you are acomplishing something new. That you are going to spend time with awsome people. In time those people will apreciate you and then YOU WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MUAHAHA!... ahem... i mean then things like people passing rolls for you and people letting you train 84960130697 mobs while you run screaming like a little girl (hahah that was fun). People will learn to trust your ways, and the way things work when you are around. Sadly you wouldn't know since you decided to step off while it was hard and there were little rewards. Time is currency... the more you spend the better the stuff you can buy. as simple as that.
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