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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. its no too hard.. OMG! BLAST SHOOT! KIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!! thats how you down vael
  2. oh oh! me 2 me 2! Merry Christmass Prophets! May the new year bring upon you new ways to wipe entire raids, new monsters to own , and more l33t loot to ninja (and pants for stricnyne to steal)! May the new year bring you more IRL successes and that kind of stuff Merry christmas and a happy new year!
  3. Golemag's dogs are having puppies!!!
  4. Esteban


    lol hey gryph did you get the shield? you certainly pulled a hero on that fight you got punted away and then ran across just in time to dish out some good PWNAGE ! Execute FTW!
  5. I wants a freee epix! oh wait.. i already got one of those
  6. Forum tyrant here and I say "This was shown before! TO THE DUNGEON WITH YOU!!!"
  7. IF you leave you get the big /gkick DONT LEAVE!!!!!
  8. HAAHHAH ... i just read the title.. I cant read anymore.. its just too much.. hahahha
  9. push it and ... nothing happens.. push it again and.. nothing happens... IT's DRIVING ME NUTS!! /push /push http://www.pixelscapes.com/spatulacity/button.htm
  10. E's are bad arent them? ...crazy canadians
  11. I'm a full time dreamer, part time student, part time cook/janitor in an Indian restaurant downtown.
  12. go back to homework erlin. and you still didnt say what you collected !!
  13. I collect ideas, words and other abstract stuff like that.
  14. hehe this was my doing
  15. Esteban

    Hello FP

    Im in group 8 and I take care of the whelps... I also take care of training them to you after the battle... so look for a portal.. FAST!
  16. of the warcraft 3 one? you were not.... i think...
  17. I kinda dont like them.. but they are there for a reason I guess. Then so be it
  18. I would dig this... the thing is I cant get out of town for the holidays.. and I am sure Mr Paperbag head and his brother wouldnt get out of their houses to do something like this.. so for the Newfoundland part of canada you are getting one big NO
  19. http://ucaclan.pisschrist.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 its frost's birthday
  20. damn its gonna be too hard to ignore shoop in AV now...
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