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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. The worst job i've had ended a few months ago Newspaper packaging. What i do?: Take 5th page put it into the 4th, once all the 5th pages are gone. take the pack of 4th and 5th pages and put em into the 3rd page. then put that package into the 2nd and then the 1st. then when you have this full newspaper start over again but this time stuff it with flyers. each paper ended up weighing around 3 lbs but in order to make it effective you had to pick em up in stacks and pile em up on your table. then when you were done you had to pick up the stack you did and put it somewhere else. You had to do this with at least 10 sets of things. By then end of the day you felt like you had been working out all day long, and you could hardly breathe cuz that stupid ink and dust gets in your nostrils. How I quit: even tho i wanted to burn the freaking mailroom down apparently that is illegal. so... I walked up to the supervisor and said. "im not comming tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after, Oh yeah i want my pay in cash for this week too."
  2. Esteban

    It's Official

    ohoho.. we gotta get RR to join these forums. That guy is a monster! Right UCA guys?
  3. I agree with shoop Yeah! The writter of "the thief of time" (forget his name) pointed out that what made human beings so messed up is that we have conquered every challenge nature has thrown at us so far. Thus we are a really bored race and we gotta make up problems among ourselves in order to have a purpose to living. Preservation of the species is not the goal anymore. You can get addicted to pretty much everything out there. It's just a matter of hanging out around it for long enough for the dopamine secretors to become stimulated by the thing.
  4. what tha hell lol
  5. NOOO!!!!
  6. Stang you had a PM and you replied... erh...
  7. You have exactly 2222 posts when i posted this
  8. Hazzing?!! I didnt get Hazzed? booo
  9. gryph drove us like slaves man! he kept us up till like... 3 am or something you slave driver!!!! and this week im gonna 1 shot that big ugly meanie giant that didnt drop my robe this week
  10. Stupid snow.. damn you black ice! Esteban bites the dust....
  11. OMG! did I hear philosophy?!
  12. rofl nerf gynis' grammar police skills!
  13. around the 70s? not sure if we made him go below... maybe 68?
  14. Esteban


    Our tabard should be a big pizza!
  15. I was looking around the battle and I saw a few problems The first ist hat the mobs were too spread around and it was too hard to pick on the mages. What my friend suggested whas that no one attacked any mob till the train got started. once the train was started it is easier to pick off mages cuz they just stand around casting (the problem with this is that the train gets hit a lot from mages if people arent taking them off constantly) my friend also told me not to use frost nova or fear because it breaks off the train and basically dumps all the mobs on whoever is closest to them. another problem was that no one went to their corners. I dont blame anyone its pretty hard to keep focused on that fight, with every one trying to take down the mages and stuff. so basically what I suggest is. Keep it slow for the first few spawns till the train is set up, at this time keep the train people healed (so every one kinds stands in the middle for this part, exept the controller party) and then when you can start to pick out the mages (which will stand around casting) you just start nuking at them. that way we can start the train earier and it is easier to pick off the mages Another thing I was told was that 2 warriors could do trains 2 separate ones. One tank on one side the other on the other side and both would basically run around the place in circles kinda chacing eachother off. That way there is less chance of a meele add getting sneak past the train. Just my 2cp.... or 2gp by the looks of this post
  16. HAHAH that made my day
  17. Esteban

    drunk ftw?

    Drinking? AYE! drunk? nah... Its just leaving myself open to pranks from my friends. I'm supposed to stay sober and play pranks on them not the other way around
  18. we needs more people to take down sylvanas!
  19. Or they put a button there that makes no sence. like they have a seal for hunter pets when you are too far away
  20. Esteban

    WoW: F the L

    I call dibs on the shoulder ... beat what? There is no beating gnomish mageness... Keep it real Clo
  21. omgz QTF!
  22. I should get whisper cast too.. for those portal times oh oh! and i can stop worring about looking for peoples when i want to AI them yes yes!
  23. Esteban


    Its all because of me
  24. Or maybe the blood elves joined the horde because they wanted to infiltrate it, and gain their trust. While illidan prepared something to throw at them... OH OH! if so then Illidan would need another race to infiltrate the alliance! who better than the Dranai? They hate the orcs, so they would gladly team up with the alliance to oblirerate the horde? no? yes?
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