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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. waaait? another mage? is it cuz I went evil?? I mean fire?... ^^ welcome!!
  2. DOUBLE POST! -200 FP forum rep
  3. Esteban

    Freestyle + Duel

    i know... that was horrible... all he did was repeat the same phrase over and over again
  4. http://wow.blupp.net/item.php?id=108591 Storm you forgot that one
  5. http://www.ea.com/official/lordoftherings/...railer&resID=hi oooo looking forward to that ^^
  6. yeah! and i gotta work that day...
  7. I think what they want is to prevent flaming in the boards and in game. Sadly to do this they have to beat on the small guy hence looking like tyranical bastards
  8. Esteban


    ^ I know some one who double posted
  9. /nod hey Meko? think yo u can do that ?
  10. what i find funny is that that article is in the "sports" section
  11. habla espaƱol? ay ay hijo de #@%# !!! that made me laugh too hard
  12. I am using this thread as "market research" haha thanks for doing my homework for me klaudia ^^
  13. Esteban

    Defy gravity!

    http://zestyping.livejournal.com/97476.html Heheh
  14. A couple of friends and I setted up a business by selling those kinds of shirts for like... 3 monts. In the end we made 300 bucks (each) it was good times
  15. haha I am hiring YOU for my Enterprice project
  16. These puzzles are fun. I am stuck at 6
  17. I am the magic man. I got the magic hands
  18. IT could also potentially wipe a group of people for standing together
  19. thats so not true OMG! storm you noob! learn to tank !!11oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone!!!
  20. hahah I find ice chewing fun at times... but as evil as an adiction? wow. funny story! in my granduncle's 50th aniversary with the church (yeah he is a priest), we were having a mean with the archvishop and all them "high" rank priest and they were talking and stuff. So granduncle stood up and started a speech. Without realizing i had put a few ice cubes in my mouth and as soon as he started I chewed on them. I chewed for a moment and then realized that other people could hear the ice cubes snapping... and every one was staring at me.
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