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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. Esteban

    New Record

    hey! I am supposed to say that.. anyways QTF!
  2. yeah.. ! boo oh but yeah! don't you ever think I am quitting vent.. not with that pirate around (looks at klaudius)
  3. Esteban


    hahah this made me laugh
  4. Esteban


    I am gonna be hanging out in Wc3 today.. I am Estebanano in warcraft 3 azeroth mind you ^^
  5. yeah... poor esteban... He got kidnaped who is it to blame? Esteban(the hiring hand) and... Exist (the hired) nuff said .. fine in clearer words esteban is taking a break...... till summer or so... Exist gots my account information ^^ and he has autorization to play my characters if he wishes
  6. Esteban

    Patch Today?

    I wont have to worry about it for a good little while ^^
  7. To finish a novel.. or something like that...
  8. Esteban


    *wobble wobble* *tud*
  9. Well on your way! You are 65% Addicted! hehe
  10. Esteban


    well at least 1 droped been there 10 times and 2 were ninjaed and ... well i have not see any more...
  11. haha bow down before me! http://www.cmi-lmi.com/images/benruler.gif
  12. ohh whats the name of that addon you got there for the information of the mob in your tooltip?
  13. He sent me a play card code today ^^ /target ghosty /tackle ghosty /hug ghosty
  14. I need a life... I need less coffe... must... keep writing /twich
  15. .... tsk tsk tsk if we had accepted exist this wouldn't have happened
  16. Esteban

    Just a priest

    Bently its like... 2 am EST (3:40 NST) go to bed
  17. I want a hat just like Aelora's dad's
  18. all we did when we killed him was shout YES!!! ... and then we went ahead and looted. Oh and made comments about how various people jumped into the lava just to get the last hits to bring down Rag ^^
  19. @_@ YOU DUSTED THE FH ROBES?! Oh MY GOD you guys are l33t!
  20. I am away fro the holidays.. my game time expired and i dont have money to get a card
  21. LOL we werent that hardcore.. mainly because it was like.. 2 am?
  22. this was posted on the UCA forums sooooo long ago
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