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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Not to mention a crapload of armor.
  2. My picture is there o.O How am I a jerk?
  3. That's pretty much the point. I was originally going to leave it with just the link, just to see who would be smart enough to highlight and copy.
  4. Alright... so Stang finally convinced me to put up a picture of my self (No... I'm not naked. Never.). For some reason it took me about 45 minutes to finally get a good picture of myself, and even then I ended up putting the camera in the fricken refrigerator because it had the best elevation, lol. I had originally taken one in my room because I didn't feel like moving, but then I realized my room was dirty and I didn't want to get it in the picture (Clean my room? Hah, you're funny). If you want your eyes to bleed, go ahead and see my picture. Highlight the link and put it in the URL thingy.
  5. Finally... another 10-man for me to solo.
  6. I had performance issues as well now that I use Vista, but I got some 2 gig RAM and now it's amazing. My brother also changed some setting so that my windows and stuff look less flashy (It looks like Windows 96, but it runs like... fricken... amazing...ness).
  7. Nope, you lose. You didn't say a time. Or date for that matter.
  8. I meant a person that's just going to schedule stuff, not really lead. Miro was usually the one that said when we were doing Karazhan.
  9. You obviously don't know how old I am. That, or you interpreted that in the most disgusting way possible.
  10. We will, as soon as we find out who's going to be leading it, or if we're just going to have another "Group Effort" thing going on. I'm not sure if I spelled Effort right... It's too late for me to think straight.
  11. Hah, don't worry about it man. You have to do what you have to do. We didn't really give a set time that we were ending so you aren't really at fault in anything. I'm just glad that you were willing to come, first of all. Second, you even respec'd so you could *twitches* heal for us. If anything, we're in your debt. Thanks again
  12. That's kinda what I was talking about with the angles I need to fix that. I tried zooming out more but then I was just zoomed out to a wall.
  13. lol... cheek to bulging cheek... I see what you did there.
  14. Well, here it is. Gruul the Dragonkiller. I know that there are different preferences for music, so I mixed it up a little. Depending on the feedback I get, that might change. Also, the angles were a bit screwy so hopefully that will change too. Enjoy. http://files.filefront.com/Gruul+the+Drago...;/fileinfo.html
  15. That's it... I'm making my own UI. I'm so tired of the default one taking up a crapload of space.
  16. Believe it or not, what Bob does with his movies is probably the most that you can do on boss kills, if you want to show what really happened. If you try adding flashy effects, you don't see everything.
  17. Well, last night, Moo and I recorded a few things and sent them to each other over AIM. It's not really a movie, but just something to tell you that movies are coming soon. The song name is Lux Aterna (Or something like that) from Requiem for a Dream (Or... something... like that). Enjoy. http://files.filefront.com/Kara+Group+3+in...;/fileinfo.html
  18. I saw the word "astronomy" in the link, and I decided I couldn't click it.
  19. Take it from a former DDR player.... that is extremely hard to do and takes a lot of practice. That's amazing.
  20. Just thought I'd bump this... because it was hilarious Also the new people should see it.
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