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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Well, I just got done watching the FINAL EPISODE of Ed Edd 'n' Eddy. It's been my favorite show for about eight years now, so I'm kinda sad that it's over. I can actually remember doing a school project about it where the teacher thought I had cheated, because I knew so much about it. The final episode followed a 30+ marathon of the show, which started yesterday at 9:30 AM, and needless to say, it was a great episode, probably one of the best ones yet. What is your favorite cartoon?
  2. Watch. I'm gonna fight Illhoof and be the only druid there, and I'm gonna be a moonkin with that staff (Which is more useful than it sounds).
  3. Fehnris, a Tauren balance druid from our server in the guild Rage gets the hardest Starfire I've ever seen, and it's even Pre-BC. He had a crapload of buffs though.
  4. Hi... I'm Cotton... I... Umm... I'm Cotton and have no pics. You will never know what I look like
  5. Jeez Sploit... so far behind. is where it's at now.
  6. Lol so glad I'm not feral
  7. I'd beat you all... considering I'd probably be able to ride one of those. <--- Has way too much time on his hands.
  8. Eh... another deck of cards I won't get.
  9. I really hope the druid one isn't complete... If it is... Blizzard deserves to be slapped in the face. The warlocks always get the coolest looking sets... Except for Tier 4 because the void thing was like... everywhere.
  10. Somebody told me to rez the first rogue I see so I picked Shad >__< Sorry.
  11. "Requires fishing (520)" lol!!!
  12. Wow. A lot of those I didn't know, but some of those questions... I can't believe people got them wrong. But, then again, as previously stated, editing the smart people out can be pretty easy.
  13. Rofl! Those were amazing!
  14. I'll need to reinstall it, lol. But, my AIM is Zyun0 if you want me to play.
  15. Filefront: http://files.filefront.com/Black_Morass_FP...;/fileinfo.html Live Stream: Coming soon.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELRNZCZtLvs&NR
  17. I agree. For Shamans, you can have them snap their fingers and the world blows up.
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