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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. I downloaded Big Bad Wolf just fine :-\ "THE BETTER TO OWN YOU WITH!". That made my day.
  2. I'm late too... but Happy Birthday
  3. Druids were never supposed to be as good as warriors in tanking, or as powerful as rogues in DPS. Not even as strong as mages or warlocks in moonkin, and not as good as priests/paladins/shamans in healing (Which is why I think we don't have a 1.5 sec cast heal, and our 2 sec casts uses way too much mana). They were only meant to be alternatives. Right now, some people are even picking druid tanks over the warriors, and like Lyssa stated, protection warriors are being kicked to the curb while druids can tank and do ridiculous DPS. You're right that shield slam does as much damage as mangle, and we don't have block/parry, but it was meant to be that way. Druids are supposed to be the "Next best thing", instead of "The best thing". Even on the WoW website, in the druids section, on the [Weaknesses] area, is says "Replacement forms aren't quite as strong as their counterparts".
  4. Well, at least moonkin got SOME love. Thanks for posting these Stang <3
  5. Cottoneyejoe


    ... That was insanely cool! At first, I didn´t get what he was doing.
  6. Wow. Just bring the nerfs Blizzard!
  7. Eh, if they're hogging the quest mobs (Ex: Pulling 4 mobs at once so that I can't tag them), I kill them. No questions asked.
  8. *tear* I didn't get to go to Onyxia because my internet went down for two days! (Starting at 3 AM monday to sometime earlier this morning, or so says my brother). Ah well. I have BC installed. When I get home to day (at 11:20 AM thanks to finals! woot!), I'm gonna upgrade my account and get to leveling.
  9. My CDs worked... My install completed... too bad my net was down for two days.
  10. Well, it looks like I won't be getting my GM Xbow... First, Eye of the Storm weekend, and now this. I hope Blizzard falls in a volcano.
  11. No. Ive heard from a few people that it only takes a week of heavy playing. So can getting from 1-60, if the person knows what they doing.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0ISp0UBMng Edit: If you don't like rap music (Most of it is just missing a 'C' IMO ), mute it. I just picked something.
  13. That ending was... well... I seriously... cannot think of a word.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTydGEYdVbE...related&search= I miss this T.V. show.
  15. Cottoneyejoe


    Gotta connect mine also.
  16. I have Live, but not a 360 My brother and I are thinking of getting one though, and if I do, I will DEFINATELY get Gears Of War. I played it over Kibai's house, and it's pretty good. Our gamertag is gamebeast0 Kibai's is Heavenz Devil or something like that. Whatever, if he wants to post it he'll post it, lol.
  17. It's 'cause you guys killed us in front of AQ40.
  18. Wow. So, today, I woke up at 6, like I always do, to get ready for school. I took a shower, brushed by teeth, everything normal. Picked out some clothes, and went downstairs. I was watching Jimmy Neutron (That show is amazing. I don't care WHAT you guys say.) and putting my shoes on, when I hear "Jason? There's no school today!" (Yes that's my name). I'm like, "Huh?", because I'm thinking, "Wait, if there's no school, why'd I get up?!". Then my mom tells me that somebody went out and popped all the bus tires. So I'm kinda happy, but kinda angry too. Happy because there's no school (DUH!), but angry because now we have to make that day up. Wtf! Who pops bus tires?! Cmon!!! But then again, now Kibai and I get time to farm for the sinew some more
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