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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. I refuse to devote any more of my time to that thing.
  2. I read the first few sentences and closed it :-\
  3. I've watched them, but I'm not gonna lie... music makes me cry at night.
  4. LOL But anyway, at least it's nowhere near as bad as the Orc shoulders... Those didn't even need fixing... Draenei and Orcs are supposed to have broad shoulders. Same with Tauren. They're fricken huge.
  5. Cottoneyejoe

    I apologize.

    Ninja please... that stuff doesn't exist.
  6. I feel so bad... but I'm still laughing.
  7. I remember that song... I used to play DDR to it. Captain Jack died a couple years back I was sad for a day or two.
  8. I'm never talking to either of you again.
  9. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1761982
  10. They might invite you as F&F, but you have to app either way. If come in like "LOL I'm not filling out an app!"... Well... Maybe Gynis will explain it to you.
  11. Sad part is that I've heard all of the songs that they talked about :-\
  12. Thanks for noticing that this is Jason... But anyway, this isn't the place to ask what to app as O.o. But he does look a bit less emo at school...
  13. That was quite entertaining.
  14. My first hunter was in UCA! I was Nightfang... lmao. I shot at stuff wondering why it wouldn't die. Then I stood in the back and almost got ganked by a rogue. "Hey... I don't think I'm very safe back he- OH GOD A ROGUE! JUSTIN HELP ME!"
  15. I used to think that if I tried enough times, I'd be able to move the rested bar to whatever amount I wanted it to be. Edited for a really bad spelling mistake.
  16. I almost feel bad for laughing at that.
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