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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Oh no. There goes our only use in arena. Us balance druids just got pwned.
  2. Don't worry Stric... you've got an ally in me.
  3. Heh, I'm terrible at WCIII, but I'll be there Send me an IM if you have it. My AIM screename is Zyun0.
  4. Oh god please change your sig I'm gonna kill myself.
  5. Nice video. Much better than my first one, which I hope nobody remembers. I'll be looking forward to your Gruul vid
  6. It's a portal to my house. I suggest you don't go through it. I've already wiped Nihilum 17 times.
  7. Cottoneyejoe


    I know I probably shouldn't have, but I lol'd at that.
  8. My brother: Its beautiful, it makes me wanna scrub it with my love and leave it with a clean shine of beauty and kindness. Me: It's amazing. Don't ever shave it. Ever. And, I agree with Mullytt. I'm acutally calling you Honest Rave from now on.
  9. I agree with Enigami. Tell us what server you're on and we'll definately come to say hi It was an honor playing with you man. We will always remember you. -CEJ P.S.- Why didn't you ask to join my arena team? lol. I know you're a great hunter, I would've loved to have you.
  10. If only they made DDR this good... *sigh*
  11. I'm gonna be confusing that with +healing all the time >__<
  12. Better 9 minutes than 6 hours >__< But hell yeah, it's about time! I've been waiting for this for so long! If it was another Diablo game I was gonna have to kill someone.
  13. I saw this just yesterday. I laughed and felt bad at the same time.
  14. I want a new RTS game. Pretty please? I wanna play against FP people in an RTS since I lost StarCraft >__<
  15. Which is another reason that I'm not feral
  16. It's alright Shiki. We all make mistakes.
  17. Definately not possible. Shiki i love you <3
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