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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. I could kill it faster than that... by kicking it in the teeth.
  2. He's dead :*( But if he wasn't, I would find him and take him to McDonalds.
  3. 75% of my friends that are guys were wearing fishnets. When I saw Dez's pic, I thought it was actually Dez wearing it, because I only glanced at it.
  4. Nice music! I look forward to seeing more of your videos. I can help with WMM editing as well, if you need it.
  5. Zelda > All of you. That's right. I said it.
  6. Cottoneyejoe


    No, it definitely would stop 14 year olds.
  7. Cottoneyejoe


    Dude... I'm 14 and I know better. The hell are you waiting for?
  8. Shiki... Your sigs are always evil.
  9. 12/10 That was amazing. And so fricken random. I'd say "I'll try that at school!" But you know... just... no.
  10. So... it looks like nobody will be able to get away from shamans anymore... Ah, this brings back memories.
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