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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Kib's so fricken emo... that he's crying to the point where he doesn't fix his hair. It's insane. But the belt is awesome. I wear it as well. And no, he doesn't always have <3 FP on his hand. Edit: I wear my own belt... not his.
  2. L-M-F-A-O!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING
  3. Very creative introduction. Very well done.
  4. That was pretty funny Congratulations on college!
  5. So I made a ninja mask out of a T-shirt. http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/1162/ninjack8.jpg
  6. This only slightly burns my eyes. I figured most of this stuff was true though. Edit: Bib's favorite part was the 15 penis statistic.
  7. I use Vista. It's not bad. Just gotta get a good comp to run it with.
  8. Yup! They have to smash one button faster than any other class.
  9. I'm not gonna lie... that was funny. If anybody need help farming for those pots, let me know and I'll help out... if I can.
  10. You must delete that picture. It's blatant evidence of me spec'ing resto for a night. Stang will not be pleased.
  11. Haha, grats on downing Kael . Drowning Pool and Never Scared = win.
  12. This is me crying inside after seeing that. ... I'm not gonna lie, that was funny.
  13. That was probably the most amazing thing I've ever read on the internet.
  14. I have no idea who anybody is.
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