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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. Esteban

    Forum Sigs!

    I could use a new sig more fitting of my fiery personality ^^
  2. lol word. and exist.... yes... nothing can stop me now
  3. hahaha I have done this before. rock on friend!
  4. neither have i lol
  5. so.. yeah.. there are 2 before this one. why? cuz its hella fun http://www.foon.co.uk/farcade/hapland3/ GL!
  6. Esteban


    i need as link to the UCA boards. I gotta find something there. thx
  7. oh the battle was epic! lol my dad had to interfere with a glass of milk... and that was the end of my brave enemy
  8. soo my parents set up this lovely little party for my family cuz... I am like that and I enjoy spending time with my folks during my birthday. so.. there was cake http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/9461/10019507ih.th.jpg and singing http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/4485/10019554wu.th.jpg I blew the candle http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3572/10019581uz.th.jpg I dueled the cake http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7317/10019613wv.th.jpg Then I practiced my product placement http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4525/10019788vd.th.jpg And I went off to take over the world. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/5921/10019906iu.th.jpg It was a good eve. ^^
  9. and gots the hairs in yo chest ewww
  10. Azeroth is flat. I got evidence of that. I haven't been able to get into Hyjal yet... wanna show me some time?
  11. haha that was awsome. You could see the mages lose their cool and drop blizzards every once in a while
  12. its so easy to get in. exept if you are klaudia *cough*noob*cough*
  13. "(unless it isn't that bad and you don't have to go to school)" doesnt that mean you will be feeling too bad to play
  14. Esteban

    G2 and Synch

    ^^ i have done that, and I am not 19 yet. I also played drums and got kicked out of George Street (this is the street where all the bars and clubs are) cuz we were taking away the costumers of 3 clubs. damn the man! damn you!!! I made 400 bucks that night, and im not that good a drumer either. Drunk people ftw
  15. Go make a pvp video and put Vicarius on it
  16. Esteban

    New record

    thats nothing krotas. I got hit for 58k
  17. http://neutered.ytmnd.com/ The real challenge is playing it here in Canada.
  18. Esteban

    Important Poll!

    I'd have to go with Corn pops or Luky charm
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