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Everything posted by Esteban
woo! happy brithay!
haha that was funny, nothing to live by, but funny none the less
There is a version of this game where you push Bush around. NOW that is fun.
JUNIOR!!!! come to the ffa next monday ohhh i cracked up lauging when he jumped the first mushroom
right.. the channel name is UCA in the Azeroth server lol.. kinda forgot that detail
Yay! this turned into what I wanted it to turn. I spent my last couple of posts arguing why one should care about such topic. I didn't even bother to put my opinion on the matter into play. Personally, I am not against GMOs. They offer a great promise to the future. the potential to curing diseases that up to now are uncurable, supplying food for the hungry, offering more comfortable lifestyles. I am all for that. My problem with this issue is not the idea that humans are playing God. My problem is that they are trying to play God very poorly. Most of the studies towards the safetly of these GMOs are poorly done, corrupted or disriguarded if the result is not desired. This is a sacrilege on what science is about; Finding the unbiased truth. As you can see on the second link I posted; the studies are poorly designed and bear no true scientific evidence that these GMOs are safe. This is blamed to corporations and their finacial interest in themarketing of these GMOs. I don't really care, my problem is with people taking shortcuts and not abiding by the proper scientific method. It simply hinders the potential of this technology. Now you can argue that "we will survive" if something happens. But why not just follow the proper procedures and make it a lot less complicated in the future.
Hiding behind "we all decerve to die" excuse to ignore an important issue only displays laziness, and makes a very weak argument on a topic such as this. And like it or not, not every one of the 6 billion people runing around like to stand around doing nothing while they are aware that they could do something to improve their style of life. You as a player of WoW should know how critical a 1% is to overall preformance. You have been on the spot where a critical strike would have saved your ass from a graveyard run. So you can catch what I mean when I say that even though something like this is so big that it looks like it cant be controlled a 1% can make a difference given the right circumstances.
we are gonna Use UCA I hope... else we will all be on FP's or lucid's vent
Bump. The first one will be held tomorrow. Turbo and Junior said they'd be there.
I feel pretty similarly about the issue. Just about everything we do ends up hurting us in some form or another. And yet life expectancy keeps increasing. I personally don't see how GM food could be so bad. I eat taco bell all the time, and their meat is like grade F. If that doesn't kill me, I have a hard time thinking rice with extra vitamin A will do me in. I can understand your point. The thing is there is people out there that do get very ill from that grade F meat. It is quite selfish to say something like that (and no offence meant by that comment). Besides, even though it does not kill you, it might cause harm to your body. It might even leave you incapable of playing WoW (Gasp!). well not really... but imagine if that stomachache that made you lose focus for a split second and thus nefarian pzowned you for 3k could have been caused by some of the stuff you ate? ^^
haha cats are crazy animals
I have been following the debate on GM foods and GMOs very closely over the last year or so. I was just wondering if anyone else had come across this and was concerned just as I am about the topic. If you don't know whats going on then give this a read seeds of deception The Debate Over Genetically Modified Foods
PAAANDAA!!!! my wisdom is yours whenevery yoy need it <3
did any one say RAAAIID?!
Shad made em send him a PM
its cuz I respeced
im not surpriced... most of the songs on that album sound the same anyways :\
and being stuck at bloody 84% for 2 hours
of course! every one is welcome
Since so many of us seem to have picked up interest in Warcraft 3 again I am planing on reviving the old UCA tradition of monday night FFA's. exept! this time they will not be so late at night. I plan on hosting them about 2 hours before standard raid times, 5 pm est (2 hours before what it originaly was held on). so.. yeh.. spread the word!
Ask a Ninja is from the same guys. pretty fun too ^^