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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF_rMpiwzQA...related&search= hahahahha
  2. hahah that made my day
  3. Esteban

    4 Years UCA

    Exist go find Twisted... you got acces to the FTP so you should be able to know what he is up to
  4. "Macarena - Some losers " Some men on a boat with a shotgun will be visting you soon ghost
  5. Esteban


    MEKO! es huntsbynight! buscar y matar!!! Meko and I have this vendetta against huntsbynight we like to camp him for as long as possible whenever we kill him
  6. Esteban

    4 Years UCA

    haha Exist post that video. I bet it will make shu cry.
  7. Esteban

    4 Years UCA

    haha yes I forgot the MrAlien team
  8. Esteban

    4 Years UCA

    4 years ago a group of nerds, of which Juniorx, peteusmax, Mike (aka Rainbowpixy) and Keyboy were part, Hung out at a channel whispering everyone in their friends list to join them in the quest for 10 in order to form a guild. In this Warcraft 3 channel only 9 days after the releace of The Frozen Throne UCA was born. Its first goal was to acomodate a group of Canadian gamers with fellow canadians who played the game. Soon after Turbomanic2000 (JuniorX's brother) joined the ranks along with one FakeCanadian( else known as RoC and famed for his UCAbot and countless posts on our original forums) and a mister RecordRuiner7.0 (who would make sure the UCA name was heard on every WC3 forum in existance, or pretty close to that). I joined UCA the 30th of October a couple of week after turbo and I participated on the failed creation of the CSU (another canadian guild). UCA had just gone through its first clan wars with the guild STAB ( this guild was dedicated to backstabbing every player they came in contact with, not sure how that worked), with class and witty remarks we came somewhat victorious and had a couple of their members join us. STAB fell apart soon after. We had hundreds of members join us, literaly. Twisted wounds who kept our website, Dark_malak who still plays with us as Torghan on WoW and was one of our best players ever and who , along with Turbo and I managed to get to the 18th spot in a couple of tournaments. Exist2Inspire who would take leadership after Junior got a job . Thunder fury, Caecer, Masternarf (a monster at the game). Este, who would make the entire guild call me Esteb instead of este, and who would along with malak and I take the win of most of the monday nights Free for alls. Stangmeister joined us too. Whip and Vlaming. And this bald guy who would never stop speaking about very obscure things like the WSG ([uCA]UN ). and the ToR people who kept jumping between UCA and ToR for the fun of it. Jules who would make a Horde UCA guild in a server I dont remember anymore. Naked_n_Happy was there too . We had Team Warriors join us along the way too. This group of Quebecers, composed of Aerowarrior and his bro, Lone_Dragoon, Frostwarrior, made the guild a lot more enjoyable with their different playstyles. With the growing ranks of UCA there was a need for change. We needed a way to controll all these people and keep some sort of focus. That is when our 2 rules emerged; Fun is our first goal, and our 1 ladder game a week. We stablished a monday night free for all in which nothing was wrong and anyone could take part in. When the ladders reset one OrcTree made the oportunity his own and kept number 1 spot in the ladder for around a month untill RL matters stopped him from keeping this rank. Then WoW closed beta came. Mike got an account who he handed down to JuniorX, turbo, Naked_n_happy, Orctree Exist and I. JuniorX made his WoW videos and became pretty recognized in the Blizzard community, being the only way people who wanted to play WoW got to know the game before release. UCA moved to WoW, and left Kael123 in leadership of the WC3 branch (sadly he went on vacation and the UCA clan was deleted for innactivity). This is where we met Marbo, Stormhelm, Enigami and all of Stangmeister's friends who would move on to create Enlighten. Due to the different interests of people and such, and very bad timing (our leaders got beaten with the "lots of work" stick) UCA fell appart in WoW and currently most of us are in different guilds right now but most of us keep in contact through battle.net or the UCA channel on WoW. I have managed to keep track of most our memebers so if anyone wants to speak to anyone they miss speaking to send me a tell or a PM or an MSN or call me to my place ( some of yeee have my number). Happy Birthday UCA (I am pretty damn sure im forgeting a lot of people on that wall of text )
  9. Esteban


    If it doesnt hit me It gets mercy. If it tries go kill me while I am afk/already fighting. It is getting camped
  10. Esteban

    RL Farming

    LOL wow thats a big fish
  11. Zinwrath is the first of the two. it was releaced like 4 months before Illigal danish supersnacks
  12. or you can hire a mage to aoe grind for you
  13. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/ woot ... and rogues get un-nerfed
  14. He was not. RR was the real champion on those forums ,NO ONE beats RR at frorum trolling. NO ONE! ^^ You keep missing the FFAs man... 4 years and counting. Exist and I refuse to let it die
  15. I always wanted that hp/mana thingie around my character but I don't know which addon does that GJ btw
  16. LOL we threw a rock to a container of lit gas. the explosion was huuuuuuugeeeee
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