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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. Jules!!! damn right I remember you. You freaking disapeared on us after you switched to your warlock on gurubashi. Didn't leave a contact adress or anything. shame on you!! how's it going friend?
  2. Esteban


    Indeed lyrin. Specially when your sabbatical is during George str. Festival. party ooonn!!!
  3. Esteban

    Rank 14 Bot

    botting l2 i can understand.... but wow? come on....
  4. WOOT!!! grats guys! if you guys keep this up im gonna have to come back soon. I ain't missing C'thun
  5. so... in light of how many people showed interest in what I am doing.... here is the intro . _______________________________________ “Ladies, gentleman, and anything else clever enough to read these words, allow me to share the idea of me with you. I am the Oh-soh-Mightie-Creetor, not a name chosen by choice and if there choice were mine I would very likely chose it anyways. I, not the lord of any lands, not an entirely important figure to any one, or an entirely successful entity as far as entities of my kind go, thank you for allowing the following words to be observed by your eyes, perceived by your mind and hopefully spoken by your mouth. If these words were alive to the level to which they were able to stand up and speak for themselves rather than relying on their fellow words to rely a message, they would stand up and gently bow in prelude of the following show in which they all take a role. Furthermore allow me to explain why you are spending your time reading these words written by me and not those spoken or sung by anyone else. I am a writer. Like any writer I profit from people reading my words instead of the words of someone else. Yet there is something special about my words. My words tell about Ojala, my world. Debating the true existence of this world is as pointless as debating the existence of an all powerful being whose say goes anywhere in the universe. As far as I am concerned Ojala exists, I exist, and these tales are as true as the smile of your favorite person. I find myself arguing pro the existence of Ojala because by a mere coincidence its creator was I. In a way I wrote Ojala as any one anywhere might have also written me. I am not what you may call a god; I am simply a writer doing what I love. Therefore, even though every setting, every situation, every place was conceived by me, the actions, the decisions and the final result is entirely someone else’s fault. I find the need to share these tales with you because I am proud of them, not because I wrote them, but because the characters, the settings and the world itself behaves to perfection and is worth sharing with anyone who is willing enough to read forth...“ ___________________________________
  6. Esteban


    I didn't mean it as a bad thing. People who want to keep in contact with me just will, and don't have to go through the trouble of looking for me. aye? Like nyne said. I am likely to come back during the winter when I have nothing to do during the evenings. I didn't say I quit the game... at least I hope I didnt. The reason for the break is that I am busy atm. My family has decided to include me into their party plans and there is no saying no to Hope when it comes to partying. and, oh boy!,you better have nax on farm status by then. I demand more fee epics! ^^
  7. Esteban


    So... this last week I went somewhat WoW free for the most part and I liked what I saw. I made tons of progress with my little wirting project. I went out with my friends, snuck into the G street festival and had a blast. ETC... needless to say I see no reason to go to Wal-mart to buy another 60 day card. So, for now.... /bow If you want to contact me talk to one of my firends (AkA the ex-UCA people) but I doubt anyone will go through the trouble of doing so. PEACE!
  8. Esteban


    for those of you who know me for more than a couple of months will know how happy this makes me ^^ http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/2691/shammancs5.jpg
  9. Theramore being a peninsula instead of an island like it was in wc3 for example?
  10. worst of all... the mage is using pyroblast on her. has Mana shield on and is loosing too little health per hit. I usually take 2 hits before I go down
  11. Esteban


    I know he told me get on MSN so we can talk! unless you are working that is...
  12. Esteban


    JUNIOR!!!!!!! tell me the server in which you and turbo are playing! ROFl...
  13. Esteban

    FP haiku

    No buffs no water I cast pyroblast for my starter I iceblock just in case
  14. ahem? pardon? does Boston have George street? the place with more entretainment places, bars and pubs by sq mile in the world? think not!
  15. Esteban

    Battle Group 3

    more people to brag with
  16. I doub't you are the lord of the Lore forums...
  17. woah i havent watched blue seed in years good job
  18. they sustain themselves by psy energy. which is why you need pylons to make more units
  19. he is not a hordie he is just Felix
  20. I hold thee hostage No longer dear Today I say goodbye Oh, tierra mia. Today, it mark thy end For today I, I’m Rage! Destruction! Oooh, shinny a penny! __________________________________ I thought i'd share that one with you before I submit it to the newspaper ^^
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