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Everything posted by Killerpriest
pretty awesome guys!! i can't see the SS, I assume it was 10 man? fweekin sweet!
ya mofo's! i'll probably get a corona or two tonight, just cuz.
Hey guys.. my guild and i just did a second leg of our 10 man this week. got pretty much the same progression as ghost with the exception of hodir. i believe. like everyone is saying those initial stat requirements that were posted are a little low unless you want to do a self initiated hard mode. We went in with some of our top competant/geared raiders, and it was a fun challenge but we did blitz thru them all in 3-4 attempts each. If you have gear and are paying attention you are going to have fun. on that note, if you need to pug and need a Naxx 25/10 geared Tank, look me up on Killerpriest or my dwarf tank Hamishh. 30K+ hp def capped, yadda yadda. also we got an achievement on the furnace master for exploding two of the brittle adds at the same time. nice surprise. GL <3 fp
well hallo thar!!! glad to be F&F of FP.. fpftmfw!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YO! also.. myself: K to the mofo P... I'm turning 30 tomorrow!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello im looking ofr the arigis and the ecthelion and the josef
Killerpriest replied to thesibuxiang's topic in General
I don't know who you are but hello thar!! and plx don't get blown up. and tell Battletank i said hi, hes going over to Iraq now [QQ] -
Sry the pic is so huge.. maybe ill post a smaller one. My sis won the Figureprints lottery selection to have one made a few months back and did it for me for christmas. i picked my FUll T2, Benediction and i forget what cape, but it looked good with it. It was hard to decide what base, but i liked the gold coins so i went with that Ya likes? http://www.geocities.com/inthedarkband/MiniKP.jpg
i saw that shit in the supermarket about 2 months ago.. and grab a can and started laughing my ass off.. like 3 or 4 people around me in the aisle start looking at what my problem is and everyone ended up going "WTF? reddi whip pancakes?" it was a pretty funny scene.. i'd eat that
well that was an interesting and informative read, while being a horrible nightmare at the same time... im glad you are getting things back in order mr. petus. I'm going to be spamming the blizz store for an authenticator as well. like someone else said, it would be a good investment given the time and money I have spent on the game itself. TBH i bought gold from some random website at one point. like nothing 500g cuz i just didnt have the time to farm. i go to pick it up, and its a lvl 70 character (pre wotlk) in crown. i cant remember the name. but im thinking, wow this is odd.. it's not the typical lvl1 gold farmer named: "aasderftg" in no guild standing in IF. so i get the gold on my 2nd account. (yes i am a 2 account having crackhead) and i immediately trade it to a character on my 1st account. wow gold laundering FTW. lol next day i get an email from blizz saying i received items from a compromised account, and because i no longer had the gold they were going to delete my riding skills to make up for the gold i received. which they never did. they only took 30 gold off the character. either way, when you buy gold these days, you can almost rest assured it is stolen or hacked gold unfortunately
coming from your macbook, that configuration is going to seem like heaven in PC form. As is,...you may run into some frame rate issues if you play some newer FPS's on high settings, but even then this PC will have you lovin' life. the video card in that bundle you showed is: video card: GPU/VPU: RADEON HD 4670 RAMDAC: Dual 400 MHz Video Memory: 512MB Memory Type: GDDR3 Memory Interface: 128-bit Stream Processors: 320 Core Clock: 750 MHz Memory Clock: 1000 MHz that is pretty nice! It's on par with the nVidia 9800 gtx's. I'd say go with that and see if you like it. the beauty of desktops is the absolute ease of upgrading individual components. you may eventually want to upgrade the Memory(RAM) or Video Card.. but give that one a go. you're going to like it. and FYI the "Black Edition" processor in that rig is one of the best out there for overclocking should you want more juice out of the cpu. but again, save that for later. <3 kp edit: stang is right.. if they load it with vista, you're gonna want to bump up that memory to 4gb
WOW!!! congratz youz guyz!!! very awesome. and yeah you guys got a siiiiick deal. By the looks of it, even with the market, that house near me would easily still be close to 300K. Congrats again, enjoy!!! It's a lot of work, have fun doing everything!!! =D
Beginning of the end FTW!! @ work and can't watch the video, but I got super addicted to FFX and I hope this is as good and tears blizzard's claws out of me. I have both 360 and PS3, I love my xbox and yeah im waiting for something great to be released for PS3, other than Blu-Ray discs lol I had to use the warranty exchange for PS3, they sent me a bestbuy gift card, so i went and bought a new one. IT DOES NOT PLAY PS2 GAMES. I bought this little PS/PS2 memory card reader dongle back in the day to load my saved games onto the PS3, which is now useless, and i had to hook up my first gen gigantic ugly PS2 again I'm still taken aback by sony not having this superpowerful console be backwards compatible while the first gen of the console was. WTTTFFFFF. I used to feel loyalty to the PS platform. worst part is while i play PS2 now i have the corded controllers instead of the awesome bluetooth ps3. which i will say have rumble again which is cool. I'd trade that for PS2 compatability tho.
yeah, the website is pretty shabby. it may say that when bandwidth cap is reached.
so while we're waiting... here's some stuff i've been working on. just basic song ideas so far, so dont expect full shiny songs. http://www.geocities.com/inthedarkband/ Song 1: Not so heavy. 1 guitar, drums, kp on some carebear vocals. Song 2: 1 guitar, drums, KP yelling about stuff again. Song 3: Heavy stuff. 2 guitars, drums, kp on some berserker rage shit on vocals. oh and i sampled some feedback and messed with it to do that "woosh" sound in the transition. I think creamer played this on vent a while back. Song 4: MmMmMmm metal. 2 guitars, drums, no KP vocals and they have a retarded hourly bandwidth cap, but im not paying money on that stuff so... if you cant listen i guess just wait till later LOL pretty basic, so dont hate.. ) without bass, music sounds really one dimensional but again. this is basic song ideas. These are projects im currently working on that im happy with the direction they are going. kinda just got em recorded so i wouldnt forget wtf i was doing. and the end of most of these either cuts off or goes to crap.. like on Song 3.. 1:35 and past is just trash i didnt cut off before i mixed it down to mp3.. geocities website.. i dunno what the bandwidth allowance is for downloads. so if you get cock blocked try again in an hour lol
i got it and i have one of the mass prod. unit-05's on my desk here with the Spear of Longinus in his hand.. hehe
oh well, being that you work for Dell. I thought you may be a little biased towards your employer, understandably
Awww Future Shop!! i <3 Canada! =D I bought my Inspiron 3700 from Dell in 2000. first gen. of laptops with a dvd-rom drive, it was $3,500 rediculously enough. I loved the PC, maxxed out the memory in it, BUT the keyboard kept dying on me and being PoS. Luckily, as Ecth recommended, i had the full-on service/replacement program. Within a year or two, i had the keyboard replaced about 8 times, the tech came right to my house. A couple of those broken keys may have been done on purpose... the tech was hot lol so i didn't mind the constant keyboard issues. so yeh, i loved the laptop, nothing but good things, loved the service program even more tho lol if i didnt build my own desktops, i would probably still be buying from dell. /recommend edit: sorry ecth, but i am also a fan of HP notebooks at the moment too, they have decent stuff going on as well
Burning DvD's to an iTouch/iPhone
Killerpriest replied to Wintress's topic in Screenshots and Videos
http://www.tomp4.com/ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM DL whichever one you want, get a crack, and gogogogogo I've cracked them and ripped dvd's to my PSP, cell phone, all kinds of nonsense. it ripped the 2 disc lord of the rings movies into about 400mb files each for my cell phone. so epic. Half Baked was under 200mb. once you get the bitrate and resolution right, it looks great. good sound quality too. I get cracks, from www.cracks.am but beware, those files can be buggy and i wouldnt be surprised if they have virus or keyloggers and stuff in the cracks.. I have a craptop i use specifically for doing questionable stuff. i dont keep personal info on it, and i keep it isolated on my network. so i dont care if it gets loaded up with viruses and garbage. but yeh, tomp4 softwaere is pretty awesome and not hard to use. one cracked the software ROCKS. trial version only allways like 25% of the media to be ripped. -
I've barely seen the inside of Sunwell and BT. if you guys need a sexy holy/disc priesty.. def. look me up! i'd love to go thrash some old school stuff up for fun. Axiom never did down C'thun, so i'd love to tear up AQ40 at some point too, if you guys would ever do that. My Armory I've got my Full T2, Benediction and Essence Focuser on right now. my sister got chosen in the lottery for the WoW figurines., so i have to equip the gear i want for my model. she is doing it for me for my x-mas present!! woot. but yeh im at something like 2100 self buffed SP, 700+ mp/5 or something. and I always brings feasts and oils and pots and whatnot, so I usually show up around 2200 sp on my own. let a bruvva know! fpftmfw
1-UP (with the sound), corrupted life stream, summoner Yuna, and all the mario shots plx. thats so awesome. man if i could make the party i would be whipping thes eup all night. however, you know we'd have to fix up some sort of wow stuff... Mana & Health pots. and all sorts of elixirs and flasks. wow has so much material to get wasted on lolol wish i could go, have fun crakaz!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. I wish I had one of those right now to rocket me the hell out of the window where I work. that picture is so epic. gg. all those people got rocked. i wonder when this happened and why didnt i hear about it?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH x 10. that was so fucking funny.. i would go to the FP winter party just to yell "LETS DO THE FORK IN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL!!! LETS DO THE FORK IN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL!! " hahahahah ting ting ting ta ting ting ta ting ting
probably posted before, but i think its brand new
Killerpriest replied to Killerpriest's topic in General
i just clicked it.. it should be working. i think its from saturday night live tho, and yeh next time ill post in the pics and videos thread -
lol u gotta watch this.. don't fast forward.. lol best way to describe this next one is a train wreck you cant stop looking at
im tearing my hair gimped solo questing, but im staying healing for now in Xpack.. look me up if you need a healer for instances or 2+ quests.. someone asked me to group with them on saturday for credit killing something, i was AFKish.. not ignoring you.. Axiom is building back up pretty nicely, might start giving you guys a run for your money for progression in end game again!! YARRR!!!! <3