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Everything posted by Killerpriest
OMG......YOU SHOULD HAVE COME WITH ME, you would have died.. get this..... this is a pretty awesome story. i cant imagine this actually happening often, or possibly even ever.. maybe.... i was actually trying for hand of rag for the longest time.. so i for sh1ts and giggles i built the sulfuron hammer.. just kept it in my bag just in case the eye dropped while i was running mc for fun... during this time i had one binding.. so im going about my business running mc.. sulfuron hammer in the bag. and BOOM the other binding drops. thats what sparked the Tonderfury... also i had kinda half-a$$ collecting elementium from BWL.. just cuz i had one binding so.. lo and behold... i do everything to get the thunderfury. and i needed to run MC one more time to get essence of the firelord to finish the tonderfurry quest.. and guess what drops. ORANNGGEEEEHAAAMMMERRRR eye of rag friggin drops. I literally put together 2 legendaries in a span of 15 seconds. went and got my thunderfury, then clicked the eye. i have my warr Titan gripping the legendaries right now lol i felt like i beat the game. vanilla wow > all. i think i had the most fun then. in general. i probably should have quit the game after that
who's coming with me?!?!?? 1) Head over to Cafe Molten Core, Have a Ragnaros Face Melt Sandwich with a cup o essence of the firelord.. hopefully Eye of Rag dessert. 2) PARTY BOAT RIDE to the club in menethil, then down to Silithus to put some kinky cuffs on an elemental lord. then beat his ass! = Tonderfurry! So, who's comin with me!?!??!? it'll be fun!!! take a shot for every MC boss ? lol probably about 7- 7:30 pm tuesday night
so since this thread enabled /nerdrage... what the F is up with these dailies. i hate this game. UGH.
I'm a big fan of games having an epic single player mode as well as online co-op, multiplayer, mmo.. whatever... does this mean there is still a single player but you have to have interet connection to use it? i'm gonna play it regardless, but i think its cool, i wouldnt mind selling items for RL money. they have to have some sort of restriction system tho.. people gonna try to charge 2378941289034 dollars for something
btw, as far as i know, im still in tonight!! i wanna heal some raid content. lets do it!
Maru-Chan (noodles)
im pretty sure i can make it.. ill b heals unless we need SP DPS. =D
Ahoy Matey!! ARGHHH!!!!!!!!
i got this for christmas from my sister about 2 1/2 years ago. she told me she was getting it for me, and she wanted me to configure it. so...... I was really considering putting him in my Full T-1 Prophecy set. T-1 is the ultimate classic set, and raiding was new and exciting and 40 man stuff it was awesome. but i decided to do the T2, because i had settled in as a main healer in Axiom and that was when we were all at the top of our game... in Axiom at least. so i put him in full T-2 and Benediction. and yes this was all gotten form the raids and hard ass work... so im proud of those 2 sets. here's some pics! =D enjoy. PS. anyone else have figure prints, i'd love to see them i dunon what shutterfly's problem is, but i have to post a link, i cant just link pictures. how annoying KILLERPRIEST FIGUREPRINT PICS
C'thun. (pre-nerf)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2593438#blog REMOTE GUILD CHAT ON OUR IPHONES!!!!!!!!!!! we can all g chat from wherever we are lol i know im not the only one who is this pyched about it <3
lol <3 yeah yeah... it's all fun and games until you have to pay the bills
It's even got a basket for rings, necklaces and trinkets! woo hoo! I'm gonna send all bills to the g bank.. gogo /repairs
My New Dishwasher, lol yeah not a fun purchase but it's really nice to have new stuff that works! woot. plus a good friend of mine manages the PC Richards near me. i got this bad boy for $280
flux capacitor
^ what he said.. i use it all the time also, i love it. certain random files wont play, but they are probably some wierd codex or divx or something. but for the most part, works like a charm.
Was that the avatar of that dude's torso?? Loofa i think? that dude was cut, whoever was in that picture. Anyhow, yeah I def will do before and afters.. those you tube videos of people's before and afters are damn good. and yeah Chozo, I'm gonna go hardcore on this. I'm not having as much fun playing ice hockey cuz it's busting my ass and not enjoying it. Plus the overall health thing and i wanna lose 20 lbs or so. I'm pretty psyched. i bought the pull up bar, resistance cables, push-up handles and the mat for floor exercises. I got em separately on amazon and saved some money rather than buying the bundle from beachbody directly. As far as the diet they recommend, I'm not super strict about it(yet), but after months of research and speaking with nutritionists, I'm adopting a more vegetarian diet. So i'm going to substitute some of the meats I'm assuming they want you to eat for protein, for more healthy veggie choices. (calorie for calorie broccoli has a good deal more protein than tbone steak - u just have to eat a bunch more of it) anyhow, i'll let ya know how it goes.. and chozo did you start with power90? or p90x first then go insanity? im in decent shape so i just went for p90x.
It's p90x time!! I'm gonna dedicate the next three months to this. Does anyone have any experience with it? tried it? loved it? hated it? The results pretty much speak for themselves. I'm pretty excited. If i can do half of what i see other people do, im gonna be flying around the rink messing up these 40 year olds LOL gogo KPSkates!!!
and.. done! 10 it is.
what the h3ll is an omnitron!? i wanna fight it !! sounds like a bad @ss transformer!
i'd like to take this time and say... TYVM TP for being f**** win. (language plx) TPFTMFW. originally you were my guild away from home, while axiom was on it's hiatus(s)... but slowly and as you all know.. surely.. you have become my home. as so many have come and gone, i thank you for being my place to come and talk and vent and be my giant GUI messenger list, while i play this awsome game. much love and have a great holiday and be safe and enjoy everything you have and do not have. be good to yourself and everyone else. <3 FPFTMFW.
One of my favorite things about this xpack is the guild levelling & reward system. I'm really itching to get an all FP group together and run through the old dungeons etc. Anyone in? I think it will be fun. I know Xaolin was killing critters for the 50k guild critter kills things.. does anyone else have their eye on a particular guild achievement or anything? I'm looking forward to the guild heirlooms. talk amongst yourselves
Seriously!! I dunno if they are actually trying to make this loony tunes, but yeah.. my mage friend who has been running heroics for the past few days says he has close to 100k fully buffed....... ...... ....... seriously? I mean what game mechanic can that actually be useful for.. Back when BC hit, and then WOTLK,... I kept epics for a few days to weeks even. Cata, it's not even close. with lvl 264 gear that has the best chants/gems etc, you are getting iLvl 274 or 280 greens that are either a toss-up or clearly better. the only saving grace is that a lot of that iLvl is going to towards the retarded amounts of stamina. so i did keep some epics for a while (eg. not replaced immediately), but it was because of the gems/chants or spellthread. my only realm bone to pick is they were touting how each level is going to be so significant, and will feel like a sense of accomplishment. I blazed through 80-82 pretty quickly. I did half of 80 just finishing a quest line in northrend.... so yeah, im disappointed they didnt reaaaallly make it take longer to level. maybe it was because i was enjoying the questing so much, but i just shook my head when i saw 85's running around 2 days after. I know after 5 years we're pretty epic and beasts at questing. but really? no ones reading quests anymore, just spam clicking accept and complete and running around to quest helper icons. *yawn* I miss the vanilla experience. and on that note, i really love how they've made the quests and progression through the zones, at least Vash'jir (sp?) really interesting and immersive. I've really felt that sense of progression as I complete quest legs and the actual environment around you changes, and you get small cut-scenes as you do things. like clearing out the naga in big turtle guy.. that was cool. so yeah, thus far im liking the game experience. anyone working on archaeology? whats that like, i havent touched it yet
I was able to swim around water world for about a half hour last night.. was actually pretty cool. not a pain in the butt. Although i can see for some people who arent as nimble with the controls it may still be a pain. and as a druid in walrus form, the sea legs buff make me swim like a friggin rocket. its amazing lol very cool area. other than that i flew around gilneas a bit, and coldridge valley. its sooo crazy to see all the old lands from the air. even tho its changed, it still brings back a good sense of nostalgia. really cool. that's all i got so far, other than i sold stacks of the new leather for 200g each. and stacks of scraps for 50g wewt. all from harvesting people killing those underwater serpents. it was sweet. prosper on other people's efforts. i love the usa. lol