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Everything posted by Killerpriest
I clicked the link and it called me a Fatal Failure . very rude imo. btw i just paypal'd 8 billion dollars. kthx. FP should be incorporated as a non profit so I can write this off on my taxes since it's a donation. lawl =D Edit: Think about contributing $1 every month. $12 a year from everyone and not only can we keep the lights on but we can replace them with compact fluorescents and be a green guild. yay! /Donated
hey all.. i wasn't sure if i was going to take a break or not, and it kinda just worked itself out that i am... I'll be playing in two leagues for two different ice hockey teams this upcoming season so thats two nights that are taken, and with the summer being here, BBQ's and general outside yardwork/landscaping, burning things in my fire pit and stuff are going to be taking up a lot of my time. I'll def. be back for cata..and def. when SC2 drops, maybe even before that.. a buddy is using my second acct. so you may see drilldo on every now and then, but KP/hamishh etc... are on my main account which is not payed for at the moment. so anyhoo, I still frequent the forums... I'll b around. <3 KP fpftmfw
gogo healthy stuff. Here's a quick little writeup on what is good and bad for ya, and why, presented in an easily digestible (har har pun intended) fashion. Healthy food stuffs
niiiiiiiiiiiiiice. im listening to it now.. this is good stuff to have running while im rolling through randoms or questing.. cant wait to put it in my car
Responding to your quote but more so just responding to this argument in general because it comes up so often. Does anyone actually know (including myself) the amount of things the government has already and will cram down our collective throats regularly with and WITHOUT us even knowing it?? (eg. what's added to our food supply already, laws and regulations, restrictions, mandatory things...) I mean do people argue about the fluoride being added to the water just because we were never given the choice? sure it helps prevent cavities but it sometimes alters the way developting teeth grow. anyhoo... this argument was heavily debated when seatbelts were introduced to cars (how dare you tell me what to do for the sake of safety!!) Here's the thing with trans fats... *they are created and added to foods*. it's an artificial additive. Basically, trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil--a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats. Don't take this the wrong way - anyone that is of the mind that we shouldnt have the government telling us what to do, I'm on board with you - to an extent. However, in this instance, we are discussing restricting something that is detrimental to our health which was added to foods *without telling us*. (lets trade MY health for food shelf life and flavor? no thanks) We were never given the option to not have it put in. So you're choice and free will were already infringed upon when this horrible additive was introduced to our food supply. Now I hear an argument to leave it there, based on the idea of free choice. *scratches head* I <3 this guild and this discussion edited because i grammar nazi myself
Trustworthy to the 3rd degree =D and i don't know why but I've always trusted Wilford Brimley.. maybe it was the cocoons....
=D ding! spend your RL talent point wisely. respec aka. midlife crisis can be expensive
I meant to comment on this earlier... trans fat occurs rarely and in trace amounts in nature and was never intended (hello mother nature) for regular consumption. I agree with the ban. screw msg while we're at it. Wiki Trans fat Unlike other dietary fats, trans fats are not essential, and they do not promote good health.[1] The consumption of trans fats increases the risk of coronary heart disease[2] by raising levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and lowering levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.[3] Health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are more harmful than naturally occurring oils.[4] fyi: On January 1, 2008, Calgary became the first city in Canada to ban trans fats from restaurants and fast food chains. Denmark became the first country to introduce laws strictly regulating the sale of many foods containing trans fats in March 2003, a move which effectively bans partially hydrogenated oils. Switzerland followed Denmark's trans fats ban, and implemented its own beginning in April 2008. Boston did ban the sale of foods containing artificial trans fats at more than 0.5 grams per serving, which is similar to the New York City regulation
<3 Memphis.. As with everything on the face of the earth, there are exceptions, and I'll be the first person to say that generalizations are never right, because it is impossible to lump everyone into any one category, so if my post came off that way, it didnt mean to. I think what myself and the other posters are referring to is the concrete evidence that 90% of fast food is horrible and devoid of any substantial nutrition, and referring to the direct causal relationship of the food to the instances of *avoidable* obesity. Yes, there are all the correlationals as far as sedentary lifestyles and lack of time to buy and prepare healthy food at home, but i have found that when confronted with these issues, there are a lot of excuses and not reasons for these lifestyles. I see people that say its too expensive to eat healthy and takes too long to go shopping and prepare, then they go buy a giant flatscreen and sit around watching it. anyhoo.. there really is no argument out there as far as the current epidemic this country is facing regarding obesity and the health problems that stem from it and the increasing costs of health care. I guess this conversation could go on forever, but I just went to Jamaica and the contrast made me almost nauseous. ok that was written over a perious of about 2 hours in 5 min. increments between doing stuff at work. i hope that was somewhat coherent. =D i just wanna open my restaurant and see what happens.
I really do agree with the sentiments about parents who are powerlevelling their kids into stay puff marshmallow people. it borders on neglect. i mean there is concrete evidence as to the effects of obesity on health. anyhooo..... a friend and myself are starting business plans to open a healthy food oriented eat in-take out restaurant here on long island. have a menu full of healthy stuff, not necessarily organics but healthy nonetheless. with a fresh juice/smoothie bar in it. etc. more expensive yes, but people here are looking for healthy alternatives that will not interefere with their current lifestyle or eating patterns, and are willing to fork over a few extra dollars to not need a triple bypass at 50. i know i've been looking for something like that. and not the 2 menu items on mcdonalds menu where if you take the sauce off and used grilled chicken, it's somewhat healthy. few. have you all seen the new KFC chicken gangbang? one last thing: get the book. Eat to Live - by Joel Fuhrman it educates you about your body in the sense that it is a machine (like someone mentioned in an earlier post) and how what you put in it is a direct relation to what you get from it.
Team America
and at my desk is a lady with a 3 year old kid. who is currently going CRAZY. You may be thinking something like this: "KP, why is it that this child at your desk in the bank is going apeshizzy?" and my response to you would be: "BECAUSE HE CRAPPED HIMSELF AND STINKS AND HIS MOM IS STILL HERE LIKE IT'S A COOL DEAL. " it's not cool. it's not even bordering on ok. holy cow. ugh. sorry but i had to share in my plight. misery loves company I guess. that's my little taste of RL at the moment.. so what are you doing is it something interesting????
lol i think ive heard that before. it's pretty hilarious tho
HAHAHAHAH 1 <3 wilford brimley
Thx! Xao we're ancients.... being 30 is a trip right? doesnt feel different but just saying it... wierd... did i ever mention how i would like an item to cause me to do a banana whirlwind..? it's not what you think... i want to spin around while in a raid party and fill everyones bags completely full with I would like blizzard to grant my birthday wish and give me this in game ability. or in RL, either one would be fine. kthx! =D
GOGO circuit boards!! =D GL with that man.. they fix ya up yet?
queue any of many of Axiom's Rolo Rants. I know that sometimes constructive criticism may not seem like it, and there were times that aleisha has said things about some gear on my toons that could have been taken the wrong way. But this is FP and I know she means well. so no sweat. <3 Anyhow, I love this guild and it sounds like you did too, I'm sorry it didn't work out better for you. I was in Fp for a while, then Axiom got a battle rez, so i left, but now i'm back home in FP. So you never know what the future holds, maybe see ya around. Don't get discouraged, if you aren't feeling raiding, go level an alt, go play horde on a diff server. have fun dude. best of luck in game and irl.
gryphon master
Ultra settings do look pretty spiffy. i screw around with the dual view screen spanning also sometimes, but i dont actually play with it like that.. A good one is standing on the AH bridge in IF, and looking towards the bank. you can actually see to your left and right around the bend on each side pretty far, it's crazy looking. you can get some really amazing cinematic looking screen captures like that. very nice rig by the way enjoy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY F to the P!!! -K to the P <3 I can't believe it's already been a year since the last cake was posted..
I've got one of those and I LOVE IT. I was using a G7 wireless and a G5 wired previously.. It's a bit smaller than those, but it's so comfortable. and the 12 thumb buttons. AWESOME. I mapped my bottom left action bar to it. (the one above the regular 1-0 bar) I put my cooldowns and trinkets on it, or instant cast procs. I was never big on creating ctrl key bindings etc, so this has really improved and simplified my gameplay. im a big fan. Only complaint is the lack of DPI adjustment. my G5 had 3 settings for mouse speeds.
Yeah def. go with X's suggestion of checking ALL of your drivers are the most current working versions and resetting your modem/router setup. i do it at least once a month even if things are running fine. This is always one of the first things to do when you are experiencing frequent random disconnects, and constistent (non patch day) lag and latency spikes. Also I have gotten stuck on loading screen 4-5 times since the last patch, like 5 min. on loading screen just to see what was going to happen before i ctrl-alt-dlt'd WoW in the face. I don't know what the problem is, but i keep my pc running like a champ, so for the most part (ahem, windows-lol) i am certain of my pc's stability. also def. post us and let us know what the lag/latency etc is doing in IF as opposed to Dalaran. From what i understand, WoW is pretty CPU intensive, but your amount of ram seems adequate assuming it is a decent speed, I will suggest a GPU upgrade if at all possible GL