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Everything posted by Killerpriest

  1. I know some people in JP Morgan Chase, I don't know if they have anything in Montreal tho, I doubt it. GL man. not the best time to be out of work. i wish i could help , but that might require favors, kthx lol STANG!!! that sig is awesome! where'd you get it?? i've been trying to get a B.A. sig forever QQQQQQQQQ
  2. Yeah except with sick grafx and stuff. I can't wait to get my beta key. I think this may force me to upgrade my rig. May need to finally get out of the Geforce9 series. I have a smaller mobo, cuz i was sick of clutter, but if i get the larger 2 slot video card, its gonna crowd the heck out of my firewire PCI card i use for my audio recording interface. anyway! this game looks awesome, i cant wait to plays it. anyone else have it? about 4 or 5 axiom have it and they get games running a lot.
  3. I'm waiting for my friend to email me a beta key.. is anyone else playing this? the grafx and gameplay look awesome. Seems to be a sort of RTS but comprised of a team of 4 or 5 heroes for each side instead of little armies. looks sweet. cant wait to play it. Heroes of Newerth
  4. I hope they ban them all!! ban them all to h311 mwaaahahaha!! /healthy am i evil or what? but yeh, father's previous comment summed up my opinion in a nutshell as well. sry smokers, I <3 you and want you to live longer.. so sue me
  5. Killerpriest/Hamishh - Supergankx still <3 me some Battlefield 2
  6. nom. This is 100% win.
  7. yes, you must join meh. \nn/ When I cant stand wow's pixels anymore, I play LOTRO sometimes. I'm currently having fun running around Diablo2 as a druid, pecking people's eyes out with a swarm of crows. erm... playing Starcraft again, I destroyed the overmind, and now I'm starting on brood wars. and on a RL note, i just got back from Jamaica mon!!! lord of mercy
  8. iPhone probably has everything you want, AND it has the wowarmory app. it's awesome. my friend is 6'5 and like 300+ lbs big ass bear paws for hands, he does just fine texting on his iphone. I am a HUGE fan of keyboard phones, but i think i could deal with the iphone. just get a rubber "skin" for it. a thicker one, ive dropped it a ton of times and that rubber shell thing RULES. I like rogers too. When i go to canada, my phone roames on rogers and its always been good. oh and the new iphone 3gs or whatever, has the oil resistant screen. it really works. it's crazy how it doesnt pick up smudges like most other touch screens ive used.
  9. Shiki Shiki Bang Bang!! use your talent point wisely. respec = midlife crisis = not fun. lol Happy BDay bro.. *deleted the quad posts, was a first for me too.. lol
  11. Curious, cuz of the 1% increased dmg? that could benefit any class, and the 3 min CD sprint? they already have a sprint.. I like the idea of you thinking you are safe and seeing a warlock sprint over to you and blast ya will a skill coil. lol can you say WSG racial? lol
  12. WoWHead Coverage here's wowhead's recap of the proposed wow changes... Edit: Can i just say, that unless they absolutely break the game, this Xpak is going to be awesome. I'm def. down with the big number of additional raid instances, however, i will say that the horde always seem to get the cool racials. I mean.. the worgen are flayers: no knife needed for skinning. really? ok.. say im not a skinner. ggqq goblins have a racial to shoot rockets at you? lol okay.
  13. wait wut? i thought worgen was just going to be another faction and not playable.. omg /confused. i will reroll worgen in a heartbeat. class depends on racials tho.
  14. I almost bought the PPV internet stream. but i have to work tomorrow, and then my cousin's engagement party for a couple hours before the naxx 25. So i'm going to miss the bulk of it. If it weren't for that I'd be chillin at home watching it with my murloc marine.
  15. could explain the: * Some of the zones like the Thousand Needles will be flooded. * Durotar is wrecked and apparently Orgrimmar could be destroyed. A new Orc city is rebuilt over the course of the expansion. amg!! exciting. =D and in RL news here comes hurricane bill to turn NY into shambles.
  16. a chicken butt?
  17. omg man. that looks awesome. the picture reminds me of the landscapes they build for train sets. With the little trees and roads and stuff.. lol it almost looks real.
  18. HAHAH!! Do you remember swimming with that on your head and the feather sticking out of the water like Jaws with the bird flu? that was hilarious I'm all for this. HOWEVER.. i think they should have done something with Grim batol instead. Ya know that area in SE wetlands with a giant cave or door there (I forget which) that is guarded by 50+ elite dragons... i wandered in there as a lvl 25 and got destroyed. I always imagined they had big plans for that.... Instead of revamping onyxia they should have put her brother in there or something. (no idea about lore) It would be really cool to give us a reason to go visit wetlands again.
  19. A friend of minemoved his 80 horde lock over to SC. He was already on a pvp server. he had no problems apparently. I think there is still the restriction about going from PvE to PvP during transfers.
  20. In grizzly hills on my 67 mage.. and then it's *gogo world pvp* Some ganking druid, his dk friend, shadow priest., and occasionally this lvl 80 shammy would pop in.... Myself, hunter, dk and... eventually another hunter. We battled it out while questing for a good hour or so while we cleared that area of quests. no b*tching or moaning..
  21. /approve - in this economy more bang for the buck is the way to go. I'm surprised they haven't raised subscription prices. I would have rolled an Alliance dwarf anyway regardless, cuz they are teh secksay. But tauren rule (gogo bigfurry) and undead are just awesome. I have two accounts both with alliance on SC so being able to roll both factions on one account/server from the get go would have been a plus for me. However I'm not too thrilled about the huge amount of faction-logging to bitch and moan that is bound to start. I'm gonna macro myself tell reply "QQ more nubface!! Now relog so I can kill you again pl0x. lulz." I just wanna go get all the diff horde-side pets without getting /faceraped on the Alliance AH for them. So now instead of tile jumping in IF, I'll relog and level my horde to see the stupid puns and references that they throw in quest dialogues.
  22. Thought ya may want to see the stuff we are going to spend the next few months trying to acquire LOOT LIST
  23. Awesome! GJ... I can't wait to be there for the next one! =D so that's as far as we can go at the moment? 1st boss?
  24. Genuine KP response: " for lulz. " Probably to give the old timers something new to do. Theres so many people that for whatever reason are loyal to the server, and not just a faction or guild. Being able to play horde on sc, without being a psycho with multi-accounts (like myself), is a bonus for them. After levelling way too many alliance toons, getting my undead mage to 33 on gorgonnash was actually a lot of fun. Quests i had never seen before, with all the stupid puns and jokes and references in them was pretty amusing. and it will be fun to run around seeing <Forgotten Prophets> <Axiom> tags.. in red. My Tauren Warr's name is " Capitow "... I just couldn't bring myself to make a DK, even tho the 1-55 grind makes me Q a little inside.
  25. that was awesome !! big ones for me: Of course...the blowing out and jiggling the NES cartridges. best example.. renting a NES cartridge and the only way it works is by physically holding it to one side in the NES while your friend plays it. then you take turns. then you realize you should just jam a balled up tissue in the NES to push it to the side. Screens being just green (or orange) on black. The scream of a modem connecting. MiniDisc. (i actually adopted these early and very expensively, only to watch it die) and the walkmans.... i just found literally 6 of my old tape walkmans. i picked each one up and stared at it for about 2-3 minutes. then i put it back down. i rly should throw them away
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