Hey guys, i have a lvl 52 warriors.. really just want to have him be a beastly tank eventually.
i have Ardent Custodian and Wall of the dead epic tanking set. but didnt do much tanking with it, as ive been power-levelling him with my 70 mage on a 2nd account, which ill prolly do until 58 or so when i can get into ramparts.
i've got minimal experience with tanking, so im kinda just lookin for anyone that does and who wouldnt mind taking a few minutes and throwin a few tips my way (spec, armor, stats, weapons) , so i dont have to sort thru all kinds of forums with people arguing about crap. and calling me a noob lol
from what i understand fast weapons with stats are good, because they generate more rage and aggro with more hits, as opposed to big dmg? and what exactly is defense? lol does it help with mitigation like armor does?