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Everything posted by Killerpriest

  1. Hey guys, i have a lvl 52 warriors.. really just want to have him be a beastly tank eventually. i have Ardent Custodian and Wall of the dead epic tanking set. but didnt do much tanking with it, as ive been power-levelling him with my 70 mage on a 2nd account, which ill prolly do until 58 or so when i can get into ramparts. i've got minimal experience with tanking, so im kinda just lookin for anyone that does and who wouldnt mind taking a few minutes and throwin a few tips my way (spec, armor, stats, weapons) , so i dont have to sort thru all kinds of forums with people arguing about crap. and calling me a noob lol from what i understand fast weapons with stats are good, because they generate more rage and aggro with more hits, as opposed to big dmg? and what exactly is defense? lol does it help with mitigation like armor does?
  2. lol yeah.. they should be happy with the long term capital gains tax. (maxxed at 15%).. imagine if they got taxed at non preferential rates? eg.. their %30+ tax bracket lol owned. my reply earlier was in response to the your statement about stock purchases and "sales charge/loads" that will remain the same regardless of tax laws. so kinda off the topic. As far as your new comment about the sales and profits of these stocks.. capital gains should absolutely remain taxed. richies are getting a break that long term cap gains are capped at 15% tax. lol sqeakin' by on that one. lol
  3. I'm from Ny and Reaganomics had people living in Central Park. Not a fan.
  4. i dont think a blanket tax (fair tax whatever) would have anything to do with that, i think its more on the sort of publicly purchased commerce stuff. and besides.. The sales charge on mutual funds and stock share classes (A front end load, B cdsc, C level load etc...) has nothing whatsoever to do with tax. Sales charge is comprised of payments to the underwriters, custodian and others. It's not taxed like that since you aren't actually buying goods, you are "purchasing" equity and in essence giving someone a loan. progressive tax is probably the best bet out of all the options i have heard. (as long as it doesn't get out of hand like the %50 someone mentioned) eg. %20 to someone making 50K is 1/5 of earned income leaving them with 40K. ouch! %20 to someone pulling 2 million is still 1/5 of earned income, leaving them with 1.6 million dollars. sounds reasonable. lol progressive tax is a good idea. tax lower income less tax. not to get into this discussion but the tax increases mccain is attacking obama on are tax inceases on the wealthy that will not even touch people with income under 180K/yr or something. gogo taxes lol
  5. i just saw that special last week on the giant particle accelerator. I find all this speculation so interesting. If we didn't have scientists pushing the envelope every day (and people calling them crazy) we wouldn't have a fraction of the technological advances that we have to this day.. thanks for posting this. i'll try and check out that video when i have some time. Also no direct offense to you bang, but I have a pet peeve about people who claim to know a lot about a certain subject because they have taken a few college level classes. I have two Bachelors degrees from Villanova University Psychology and Sociology class of 2001 (hooray fireworks pl0x) and even in those areas i still have so much to learn (master's/Doctorate?), let alone getting a minor in a sunbject, a concentration in a subject or even so little as a few classes. My school required us to have a well rounded education so i have a good 2-3 classes in all the major subjects as well as some not so major. I know a guy whos shelf is lined with all these "_____ for Dummies" books. which they make for everything and anything.. he reads it and then hes the expert. Again im not saying that's you bang, but im just saying lol... (stepping off my soap box) anyhow.. very cool post and thanks for the outline.. well written i might add
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