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Everything posted by Killerpriest
BUY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $25 + Shipping = AWESOME I own this, AND..... it comes with software!!!! its a super fast burner and and and. it has lightscribe!!! woot
LOL Ravenheart.. i don't recommend the 8 balls as supplimental income lol Aigle.. thanks for the compliment!!! i'll probably post some more up there at some point... I'll try and keep this short, but it's def not easy to make a living off this kind of music. I don't recommend trying to make playing/performing music in general your sole means on income, esp, this genre. If you are considering it, get into production as well like hvilelos said. If you have a decent local scene, and some money to spend, buy a small office building. convert it into a studio/practice space(s). If you are in an area where you would bother neighboring businesses: During the day operate as a sound proofed recording studio, after hours you rent the offices spaces out as a loud as hell practice space for bands to rent by the hour. this would give you money, and your band a place to practice and a recording studio to record. cant ask for much more than that. Studio musicians are a dime a dozen unfortunately, and so many of them are super skilled and schooled so competition is high and its a who-you-know business, moreso than an open market, which is unfortunately a big part of the music business. getting in with the club owners to book shows, booking agents, A&R record reps.. blah blah.. but if its personally rewarding, you cant put a price tag on it. but dont quit your day job lol
Hi ghalleon!!!! i can /emo in gchat if i want! lawl but yeah.. im heading back to Axiom. hell froze over and Rolo wants to reunite for WotLK. A lot of old school Axiom friends are back for fun and levelling. hopefully we can get rolo to flip out on vent again. anyway, take care all, awesome guild, awesome people.. GL and all that stuff. =D I hope you don't mind me trolling your forums and class threads now and then, cuz there is some really good game discussion in here for the most part. cya in game! if any of you guys ever need a "pug" that doesn't suck to fill a spot. or just to do a 5 man while levelling or anything. look me up! FPFTMFW
ooh gimme one, but make mine the one with the browns and greys and the big paw on the top left... bear flag FTW! <3 bearses
<-- resident Metal Head \nn/. fun fact about KP.. my band opened up for 36 CF back in 2004 when they were touring for their album "bitterness the star". those guys are nuts.. all i have to say about them is blunts, beer, really cool guys.. but their roadie was behind their trailer messing around with these mindless girls that must have seriously been like 16 years old. no kidding. my band was called In the Dark. local band in N. VA. opened for candiria, atreyu, Kittie (those chix are soooo friggin cool).. chimaira... good times *RAWK* here's my profile on www.bandmix.com. musician meeting site board thingy Check me out y'all lolI fixed the link... lol *clix0r here plx* editing for typo's.. we hates typo's precious
yo it's the onion, that shizzle isnt real
Im really trying to get the tanking helm from the quest reward from The Warlord's Hideout in Steamvaults. My warr is lvl 67 pretty good gear i suppose a lot of greens but they are all of the champion (str/stem/def) with +10 stam armor kits and all that jazz where available. here's his armory if you want: Hamishh With a group of FP i dont think he'd have a problem tanking the instance. any takers plx?? ill be home pretty much all evening.. and all day veterans day since my job is closed (hooray bankers hours) also looking to run Sethekk Halls on him if anyone has alts or extra time... esp. if we have towers to get a meta for that new tanking helm...
lawl, nice. I jumped off aldor terrace with levitate, and clicked it off when i guessed would be good. got it first try.. 11k health in pvp gear didnt hurt either
Started a new Round of Spore.. this time as an Herbie... I'll b DLing castlecrashers as well when i get home this weekend. looks so kewl. other than that, for some reason I've been itching to grab my Warcraft III & Frozen Throne, and beat the storyline again in a coffee(morning) and beer(evening) filled weekend. Did it with Starcraft once i saw the initial reviews for SC II. other than that busy with work and levelling my Tanking Warrior (lvl 64 woot)
A beta version of "RYL - Risk Your Life".. being my first MMO ever. Decent graphics, and controls, i was pretty psyched about it. (Went back to it just to see what i would think of it now, and it was clunky and not as intuitive as wow.) *it's free to play online. Picked up City of Heroes after that, thought it was awesome too, but seemed to slow down and the instances were "dry" somehow, but overall decent game. Then WoW march Feb. of 05. tried LOTR online last year cuz i LOVE LOTR books (and movies). But couldnt break me of wow so i cancelled it, even tho i thought it was a very solid game and really enjoyed it. Stuck to WoW.
amg. coolest thing ever.
what do you sell hondas or something? lol get a volvo or something safer lol Although i have a loaded 2007 Mazda 3 Grand Touring (hatchback) i <3 it so much.
that truck got 5 sunders on your mazda 6 yo. your repair bill is gonna BLOW. glad to hear you are okays.
LAWL, I think Teslademon may come back for WoTLK and transfer to mannoroth.. lawl newfie crew reunion.
maybe 1k? whatever i have at the time. If i want to buy something I'll daily until i can buy it then ill coast along again until i see something else i want. Daily'ing feels like gold farming and it gets so monotanous. Rather than do dailies, i just level my alts. feels more productive.
epic suicide healing? Glyph of Spirit of Redemption 12g 50s 400 - - - Ink of the Sea Resilient Parchment Trainer (Northrend only) Major ****All heals cast while Spirit of Redemption is active have a 20% chance to increase the remaining duration of Spirit of Redemption by 5 sec. (Requires level 30 to use.) **** seriously? spamming flash heal, renew, etc... im going to /suicide in the beginning of every boss fight and spam like we're on vaelastraz * i LOVE the warrior one that applies sunder effects to TWO targets per sunder!! no more complaints about warriors holding aggro on multiple mobs. Also for warrs.. revenge making the next heroic strike cost no Rage!!!.. yummy
i would say priest. (i am partial as well) mage = dps. Priest = Heals and/or dps depending on spec. *and with the new Spell Power utility viability (does that make sense?) as well as Dual Spec, I think the options with priest are awesome. SP can put up some pretty sick damage, and holy/disc can heal with the best of them. to continue to be analytical about it... then think class specifics. Fort/Spirit/shadow resist/fear ward vs Int buff, mana gems, SHEEP,ice/molten/mage armor/Make Food (yumyums). and also what would fit better into FP raids. but in the end it's what you have the most fun with IMO. <3 __ |_ p3e|\| |_
There ya go... get a new couch
http://www.wowwiki.com/Barbershop a video of the SW barber shop: http://www.wegame.com/watch/WoW_Barbershop/?ref=uv
this answered my questions...(for the most part) http://www.wowinsider.com/2008/10/14/spellpower-101/
lol hax, i haven't built my spec for sure yet but im thinking along the same lines, i have recently taken a serious liking to healing BG's. call me crazy. lol After healing axiom's raids for damn near two year, i switched to shadow and levelled a mage and lock to 70. (rebelling against healing?? lol) However, i have found a renewed love for healing in instances and raids. so i want to be mainly geared for 5 man groups, levelling and raids in Xpack, but also dont want to be a scrub in BG's. this is a good spec for that! Edit: my secondary spec will def be a spirit tap/shadowform/dispersion spec for solo grinding/questing.
awesomeness, that site freekin rocks, thanks again for all the replies.. i want to have a beastly tank eventually. i love the fact that you are a backbone of whatever group you are in just as much as my main.. priest. woot!
sweet! thanks for the tips tankspot is pretty awesome. my first character was a priest and i loved how dps can be interchangable but you will always need a healer and a tank. and how a good healer or tank can make or break a raid. I was one of axiom's main healers from the 1st rag kill to clearing wings of naxx, and i loved how you held it down so everyone could do their job... so thats why im going for tanking now... anyway thanks again, and if anyone has any more tips they;'ve learned i'm all ears