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Everything posted by Killerpriest

  1. KOOKY !! nom nom nom nom do you put wax in the top?? My grandma used make those jamz, and i told my cousin that was part of the jam and got him to take a bit of the wax once... duma$$
  2. I always thought it was Eryq. *shrug* happy birthdizzle
  3. who do you think i am.. Deuce Bigalow? lol heya vixxie,,. post up a pic, i'd love to see the tank. I have room to add now that my angel fish is no more, but i haven't decided yet. i may get two angel fish. or gourami's maybe. but that snail you have sounds pretty awesome.
  4. anyone else have a fish tank? I have a freshwater 28 gal. i have 12 tetras in it. (10 neons, 2 glow light) 2 spotted corey cats, one golden algae eater. I had an angel fish for 6 years that just took durability dmg i'm emo about it. I had two giant orange african snails.. im not sure of their life span but they lasted maybe 6 months. very cool tho, i may get more. All plastic plants, they are so much easier to deal with than planted plants. a really cool plastic hollow tree stump with an under gravel air diffuser which gives a really cool effect. Link to my *rate my fish tank* page.
  5. Microwave PC! it was done really well too. really pretty cool.
  6. /agree. However i gave the accelerators a chance. its a quick link to google search whateve ryou highlight. and some other stuff. not all bad. doesnt slow my pc down at all. Google Chrome is FAST tho. loads fast browses fast. it's my new fav.
  7. /donated $$ <3 FPFTMFW
  8. Congratulations! You have received a Battle-Bot pet. The next time you log in to World of Warcraft after fully logging out of the game (return to the login screen), you should be able to pick up your Battle-Bot from any in-game mailbox. Return to the Mountain Dew Game Fuel website each day to receive a case of Battle Fuel for your Battle-Bot! Return to the Mountain Dew Game Fuel website WOOT. I merged my account with battle.net long ago, so that's no big deal. Only thing is now you can basically never sell your wow account unless you want to give away your email. Meh, whatever i love being able to DL and play my stuff from any pc via battle.net. all the warcrafts, starcraft, and diablos. it's pretty awesome. also, you get a chance to win diff. nonsense form mountain dew, so that's cool. it is what it is. a stupid contest to get free mountain dew gear, and an in game pet. not rly sure why the nazism about the sanctity of the wow universe. lol
  9. i must Bslap you now. WINDWAKER WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 that game right in the face. it was great. but then again, you could put a triforce logo on a ball of dirt, and I'll totally be all "like zamg! hey that's one stylish ball of dirt right thar y'all!"
  10. gogo teenyweenie jokes! =D Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros.. mario galaxy looked awesome.. multi player games have like +++ fun factor. Xbox360 is awesome,(omg netflix) and i love it. But i also LOVE my PS3. integrated wireless, Bluray, web browser, and its a great system too. it does a heck of a lot and when the dev's actually make use of how powerful the thing is, the games ROCK.
  11. Hunter's Mark (Rank 5) 2% of Base Mana 100 yd range Instant cast Places the Hunter's Mark on Kimbo Slice's Head, increasing the ranged attack power of all attackers against Kimbo Slice's Head by 500. In addition, Kimbo Slice's Head can always be seen by the hunter whether it stealths or turns invisible. Kimbo Slice's Head also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for 5 min.
  12. that bearser forgot to switch to flight form before he jumped out of the tree. onoes!!
  13. Killerpriest

    Um ?

    honestly would like to find the person that literally hit send on this email to me and do bad things to them.
  14. Killerpriest

    Um ?

    don't reply to that. forward it to blizzard's scam mail address. (sry im at work i cant find it ATM) i'll show you one i got that was even more blatant: Greetings! It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account(s). As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement. If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees. If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. If the information is deemed accurate, the investigation will be dropped. This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment take these sales quite seriously. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account. This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account. You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with: Use the following template below to verify your account and information via email. * First and Surname * Date of birth * Address * Zip code * Phone number * Country * Account e-mail * Account name * Account password * Secret Question and Answer -Or WoW CD Key If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation. We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed. Blizzard Entertainment Inc Account Administration Team P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623 Regards, Account Administration Team Blizzard Entertainment
  15. thread invasion!!: Athalon X2 dual core 5400+ (2.8 ghz OC'd to 3.1) XFX 9800 gtx 512 mb. maxxed out (4gb in an XP box) on 1066 mhz DDr2. Whats the more effective upgrade for WoW frame rates. New GPU or New CPU?
  16. so... to anyone still interested in my plight... The culprit is: MoBo. went to best buy and bought the most expensive PSU they had just to test the old board, no go. ($230 for some 800 watt nonsense - 30 day open box return policy) Got me a new mobo, with all the same components and it is firing up. KP = Happy again.
  17. thats's cool and everything.. but $42? lol jesus man. i bet there's some people that bought that with no second thought.
  18. Signed up from your banner! thx. BTW, how did you embed that banner in your post?? i have my script: "<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-... etc..."
  19. it's cloned as in the same background on both screens, but s technically a span. my left monitor looks just like anyone else's windows bar on the bottom.. icons and whatnot.. my right screens is an extension of the desktop but it is blank except for any open windows i drag over and any shortcuts. its a giant desktop area. ubt the left srceen looks unchanged from a single screen setup
  20. well i went to best buy and bought a power supply, (30 day money back return policy - even open box) so i swapped it. still nothing. i tihnk its the mobo, so im gonna s for that combo i linked earlier likely. quad core phenom. 3.0 ghz cores. black ediiton. (overclok ftw) and its got HDMI out too, which is sweet for me so i can play siht on my big ass LCD ahh man.... money in, money out. hopefully this will be the last rig i build for a while. i think a 3.0 ghz quad core 64 bit cpu, and some 1ghz+ memory should do the trick for a while. i really dont mind dropping a pretty penny at the moment, anyone have any favorites for high power components?
  21. Thanks Garnok! The Geforce 9800 GT series does require power from the PSU. you may be on to something there. I think possibly i may pull a PSU from my sister's pc and throw it in mine to see what happens. it would make sense, i have horrible luck with PSU's i eat them for breakfast. Before i was unable to use the PC, i did get updated video drivers. As far as firmware, havent touched any in ages. So that couldn't hurt.. but again, it's non functional. I think as you suggested, i'm gonna go piece by piece. PSU first. *as i think about it.. on the times the monitors would stay black on startup the GPU fan would be humming along non stop until i turned it off. the times it would take,.. the fan would hum and about 15 second, the monitor would get signal and the fan would cut. you may be right with the power supply issue. however.. this looks tasty: NOM NOM mobo+CPU combo
  22. In a moment, I shall push these buttons. Very hard, and with my foot. I'll try the different outlets, but i tried each monitor on each DVI out. i'll try diff outlets. the monitors power on tho, and im currently using them with my mac. so i doubt thats the solution. Time to upgrade i guess and start from the ground up. i have a credit card with 0% interest on all purchases through october. i think ill give it a work out. lol tigerdirect.com nom nom nom
  23. other specs are: socket AM2 dual core athalon 2.6ghz, been running it at just under 3.0 ghz, OC'd with a giant ruby orb CPU cooler. (it runs cooler than regular clock speedwith factory heatsink.) 2 gb - 800 mhz DDR2 crucial tracer memory. running an ABIT mobo. it was close to top of the line at the time i bought it around 2 years ago. 2 DVD burners (lightscribe ftw) and a few sata hard drives in there. 800 watt ultra power supply. pretty basic setup. any input would be mucho appreciado
  24. hokay.. soo.... i turn my pc off one night, and turn it back on the next day. fires right up. monitors stay black. no signal being sent to them, so im all WTF m8. there was no new hardware put in, no new software updates or installations i can speak of. just turned it off. and boom no more monitors. im running a single XFX 9800 gt 512 mb. i have dual monitors screen spanned (cloned). i unplug one of the monitors, restart it a fwe times, and boom the one monitor fires up, and im good to go. plug the other one back in, reset the settings and im back to screen spanning. this goes on for 2-3 weeks. i have to go thru this scharade (sp?) every day. finally one day. no go. i pull out the vid card, take it to my sisters house, works like a charm. the memory is fine too as far as i know. I shorted the bios using the jumper on the board. still nothing. ive reseated everything, checked the power cables. at this point, im thinking it's the motherboard... Axiom is doing our *wipeathon* this saturday (12 hours raid!!) it's awesome, we have a blast, and it looks like im going to miss it *Q* any ideas? ive been building pc's and fixing them and whatnot for about 5 years now.. and im at a loss.
  25. This was a "big" topic back when AQ40 came out. with the C'Thun reference to Cthulhu, who was one of the "Great Old Ones" Cthulhu Now the similarities in the boss encounters from c'thun to yogg-saron. Which brings us to another major character alongside Cthulhu in lovecraft's world known as Yog-sothoth, who was one of his "Outer Gods" Yog-sothoth Some are corny, but i really love all the random references throughout wow to other pop and not so pop-culture goings on. my favorite being the linkin quest line. <3 the Zelda series 4evr kthx! =D
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