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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. watching stuff? what? /spam 2.
  2. so that's how boring it is to be a healing priest.
  3. There is actually a scam email going around about the release of these laptops, if you get an email, make sure you check links before you click anything.
  4. Sploit

    Ni Hao.

    stole this from Vind's forums, pretty funny.
  5. lol @ your captain americaness in your sig.
  6. meh, this one doesn't count, hunter birthdays ended yesterday. happy birthday =P
  7. Sploit


    do you really need to ask what his PSN ID is?
  8. holy crap that's a lot of action bar buttons O.o
  9. LOL how long did that crap take for them to kill you?
  10. Sploit


    you have an utada hikaru song? you're the only other person i know who knows who she is.
  11. baseball isn't a sport anyway. and wearing mp5 like that is stupid, so he sucks.
  12. he's wearing a tank ring, tank sword, and healing trinket. This guy is an asstard. Edit: And Shaman boots.
  13. Hmm, i sense a story here, do tell.
  14. First. edit: lolololololol. (had to)
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