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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. oh man, i love this lol
  2. AKA remember magtheridon? lulz.
  3. oh man, i remember that 50 silver, and you told me it'd be a loooonnggg time till i got even close to 1 silver, =P
  4. http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/879/sealvy1.jpg
  5. the size too, shrink it down a bit so it isn't so huge.
  6. Sploit


    let's just say it's not forum appropriate.
  7. Sploit


    you don't want to know.
  8. owned.... =[ and, nice sig justin!
  9. yea that's not a ban or a closed account, they just have to lock it to do the character transfer i believe.
  10. see ya when we have to come back for vashj? PFFT we're killing him weekly, or at least until the hunters get the chestpiece.
  11. me beorn and HV have horde characters on pvp2 server
  12. Sploit


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