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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. Sploit

    Furbolgs nerfed

    In case you forgot, i have a 70 warrior and a 61 paladin, yo.
  2. probably why that game was horrible. lawlawlawlawl.
  3. so.. Geo and I nearly choked to death reading this... it is quite simply, amazing. http://www.thesneeze.com/mt-archives/000707.php
  4. Surprisingly, the song isn't THAT bad.
  5. you are never allowed to go back to /b/. gtfo
  6. that's probably not the only place you'd put her. lolol giggity.
  7. Says the one pvping without fel armor on? and it's not even dispellable... tsk tsk tsk.
  8. AKA homo dinner for 2.
  9. Sploit


  10. oh man, was it a good idea to make that publicly available to people like me? =P
  11. Sploit

    For Sauce.

  12. Sploit

    For Sauce.

    http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Samdroid/poster69983189.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/ctrem/demotivational/1203137653223.jpg
  13. Sploit

    For Sauce.

    http://www.roflmachine.com/fun/blackup.jpg http://www.grumpstump.com/squidoo/duct_tape.jpg post some funny ones you find!
  14. Sploit

    Diablo 3!!!

    http://www.worldofraids.com/gallery/files/2/6/4/1/9/hellowkittygoesblizz_original.jpg amirite?
  15. Sploit

    Be Imba!

    259.77, suitable for end of sunwell, upgrades mid sunwell.
  16. Try to see what it does with the Helm of the Illidari Shatterer, same graphic, but it might be the itemID it doesn't like.
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