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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. SO i herd u guyz were on Gorefiend. I figured i'd post the video we did, it has me doing constructs so it may help people who haven't seen them or understood how to do them. http://files.filefront.com/Teron+Gorefiend...;/fileinfo.html Good luck! Ninja Edit: Yes, I do die... twice...
  2. and still suck at it? lol bad shaman is bad
  3. Well for one, you can't get new badge gear till we take back half the island, so good luck with that. But when i log on, i'll probably spend all day QQ'ing about my addons being broken
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/FinalSpartan119/Dice.jpg
  5. Sploit


  6. depending on the girl, smaller and perky > big.
  7. LOL, you should look up 'Tauren' then.
  8. Also... <--- Refer to avatar.
  9. Sploit

    I win @ babies!

  10. Chris, you had to be expecting it from either him or me.
  11. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/1702/wowscrnshot030108140619jd2.jpg true story.
  12. Sploit

    The LEGO MMO

    LOL @ Block Obama
  13. Sploit


    sigh... Saucesogay.
  14. A Perfect Circle - Passive Alice in Chains - Would Tool - The Pot Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become Three Days Grace - Riot Edit: Now thinking about it, the entire One-X Three Days Grace CD is amazing.
  15. the 5 man is really fun. i recommend lots of CC though.
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