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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. hahaha thanks everyone =D
  2. Jen.. you really need to like.. go away.
  3. Sploit

    Ever wonder?

    pretty sure me bugging the HELL out of Geo is one of the main reasons she's in FP!
  4. I transferred, i just need a game card or something to actually activate to play again.
  5. Yea.. something tells me that won't happen. ever.
  6. Sploit


    that is actually what i thought... /facepalm
  7. i'm for srsly trying to this time.
  8. Yea soo... there's a small chance there might be a Bob appearance at this thing. We shall see!
  9. SOOOOO Who's gonna come pick me up?
  10. You're not allowed anywhere near it, we don't need it randomly disappearing now, do we?
  11. you see, there's this thing in game, you might've heard of it. it's called a GUILD BANK. i hear it's pretty useful.
  12. http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?talent=hEIzq0detMxst0xxco shaman at 80
  13. Sploit


    no need to know, you'd just be banned from it immediately if you joined it
  14. Sploit


    What is it with you and commas?
  15. they already did, but it's no where near as good as Omen
  16. Sploit


    that, is going to cost you a TON of gold.
  17. honestly, what kinda noob specs enhancement? and healing is bleh. elemental is the only real shaman! anddd they effed it up. but i will most likely level my shaman anyway now thinking about it, i mean, not like i have anything else to do, and it could be different with real gear at 80 instead of shitty premade gear.
  18. http://www.wowwiki.com/WotLK_AddOn_status this is helpful to see which addons are working.
  19. Nope, shaman are incredibly garbage in WotLK
  20. i'd be up for some old school instances
  21. 70: http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?hunter=512...000000000000000 80: http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?hunter=512...000000000000000
  22. Sploit

    Have you heard?

    Have you heard?
  23. No, you will not. http://blue.mmo-champion.com/1/10697502130...-blue-post.html
  24. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/FinalSpartan119/sigh.jpg All Brandon's fault.
  25. Sploit

    Computer Upgrade!

    honestly, if you has money, and want it to last, i'd go with one of these if you can: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102795 the computer i just built for myself has two of them running crossfire, but one would be fine too.
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