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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. Sploit


    he is impossible to kill in his dragon form, he becomes immune to everything at 1%. so i'm assuming you have to kill the demon enslaving him and release him.
  2. So Gryph, how was celebrating the Pats victory? oh, right...
  3. Sploit


    the ability to double post?
  4. Sploit


    Woo VIP Guests!?
  5. Sploit


    did i miss something?
  6. Sploit

    FP Caucus

    1. Ron Paul 2. Ron Paul 3. Ron Paul
  7. Idk, i tried playing it at Jen's house and the dent in the guitar is effing annoying as hell.
  8. Wii version sucks, the guitar has a freaking dent in it where the wii remote is
  9. But you forget, it's Andrie, everyone loves Andrie.
  10. Sploit


    happy birthday!
  11. Oh, also forgot to mention, i believe Spellsurge has a 30 second hidden cooldown.
  12. Quite the impressive TITS there, Jon.
  13. spellsurge honestly isn't worth it unless you're doing arenas, or if you stack 5 people in a group with it.
  14. /picks up the chicken wing. suit yourself.
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