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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Q, dude, if you ever come back (If you don't come back I'll kill you), (No seriously, I've got nothing to do. I've got time.) (Really, I'll find where you live, find your house, and kill you unless you start playing WoW again), we should run Shadow Labs to celebrate.
  2. I'd actually love to go to MC. My druid's attuned.
  3. Finally Amazing job guys. Congratulations.
  4. Added new videos. Guitar Hero III videos coming soon!
  5. It's true. We are in a recession, but it's not a depression. Signed, A kid with only a slight idea of what he talking about.
  6. I stopped reading it after it said I was a hard worker.
  7. Lol... this game is never coming out.
  8. Omg, I can finally say this. I'm glad I bought the Wii!
  9. Yeah, it's Archmage Vargoth, the one everybody summons with the staff for pictures.
  10. But which one will get you banned?
  11. The second video will always be amazing.
  12. Brother showed me this a few days back. I personally thought it was FRICKEN TERRIBLE so I didn't bother posting it.
  13. You have a DeviantART?
  14. Heyheyhey watch that "Jason's mom" stuff. Darch's mom? That works better.
  15. Cottoneyejoe


    One can only imagine what would have happened to Sploit.
  16. That's like suing Blizzard because the server crashed. lolol
  17. Actually, edited, because I actually did end up reading it.
  18. Nope, that was right! Just missing the tilde over the n, but our keyboards don't have them.
  19. Ugh, I missed it! Anyway, Happy Birthday!
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