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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Yeah. It's going to be like an entire new game.
  2. People with micro that doesn't suck
  3. Not when the siege tanks are in your base, lol. And you have Vultures mining the hell out of your drones.
  4. And 20 will die each time my tanks sneeze.
  5. Awesome now get me more badges.
  6. Yeah. When I was over Kib's house, we played with 3 GC controllers and one Wiimote. Whoever came in last in each match had to switch over to Wiimote.
  7. You use a Gamecube controller.
  8. Garbage Sauceboss is garbage. But the storyline for smash is... I don't know actually, I haven't played it. I got to the door in Pit's area and after 20 seconds of not knowing how to open it, I turned it off. I'm not playing story mode. Only multiplayer. I can't say much about the storyline, but the multiplayer experience is a lot better than I thought it would be.
  9. Well, after 11 hours of straight play starting at... 1 AM, I can now say that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is one of my favorite games.
  10. You can still see "Max Tick: 5113".
  11. I noticed the Naruto as well. At least he used it along with the story, instead of throwing it in random spots like most people do.
  12. I doubt it was a perma-ban. Probably for a few hours or days or something.
  13. Something tells me that's going to get nerfed pretty fast. If not, I'm about to get my other neckpiece REALLY quickly.
  14. A while ago, I would've had a huge list... but all I really play now is... Dance Dance Revolution (Japanese versions please, American versions suck. kthx) In The Groove Guitar Hero Super Smash Brother Brawl (I know it's not out yet... but let's face it. It's going to be something I play, even though it's about as overrated as Halo)
  15. Cottoneyejoe


    Oh hey that's right... good thing I'm exalted.
  16. Might not get one. Everybody's going to get one, it won't even be special.
  17. This... was... possibly the most amazing movie I have ever seen in my life. But then again, I didn't get to see 300. Tales of the Past III 89 minutes of pure... there isn't even a word for it. This is SOOO... Like I said, no words. All I can say is that after watching this, my life is complete, and even that is an understatement.
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