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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Mountain Dew reigns supreme.
  2. How did he used to be?
  3. They made him easy. :-\
  4. Oh sure... do Kael AFTER 2.4. When it's easy and boring. Whatever. I need my ring.
  5. Lols I is make a video http://files.filefront.com/Rage+Winterchil...;/fileinfo.html watch plz tel me wut u think k But anyway, I need a new UI. Mine's too cluttered.
  6. I like the part where you died.
  7. I have SWStats in my Anetheron video >__>
  8. I laughed here.
  9. Looks badass.
  10. I was on Live Chat. Stang, Bob and a few other people used to be on there with me over the summer, but now nobody is ever on
  11. I actually do use it. I even use it in guild chat and whispers.
  12. I wanna do sunwell with Stang! And I'll probably grab some new badge gear... except I can't because I only have 88. Crap! Should've saved up for that new staff!
  13. So yeah, I just quit PvP.
  14. Cottoneyejoe


  15. I have to agree with this.
  16. I honestly can't remember where I got mine. I use a desktop mic, so I just looked around one day and it was there. This was seven years ago. So, I just plug some headphones into my speakers, and I have a headset.
  17. I'm pretty sure it will have a function where you can switch the screens. It did that for the Metroid Prime Hunters Demo, I'm pretty sure it will do it here too.
  18. Feanore wins.
  19. no its mine
  20. Believe it or not, I've actually done that dance for a few friends.
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