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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. Jeez, everybody's quitinggggggggggggggggg. Nice playing with you.
  2. Hv, what an outside? I'll play against Div if he wants to. I love playing against people. I have it for Wii, but if he has it for 360, I can borrow it from a friend.
  3. Updated: 7/16/08 (Added Soothsayer. Colony by In Flames to come soon!) Miss Murder 318,034 Raining Blood 211,387 Mauvais Garcon 365,844 The Way It Ends 473,870 One 555,791 Soothsayer (Custom PC Song) 512,848
  4. ROFL GRYPH! Oh man, that was priceless. After a long day like today, I needed that laugh.
  5. It looks like their itemization is the same as warriors.
  6. I'll have to agree with DL on this one.
  7. Sending it to all of my friends. I have had Chipotly 3 times in the past week and a half. I am a Chipotle master. Double EVERYTHING.
  8. This was a little kid though. Regardless, the parents should read up on stuff beforehand.
  9. I was just being honest. I thought it was funny. Would I point and laugh at a little girl that think she's fat? No, but I still think the scenario is funny.
  10. http://warcraftmovies.com/stream.php?id=75...134f59d64128e19 I didn't watch the whole thing. I saw how he soloed the warders, his gear and such, skipped around during the fight, and checked the ended. It's pretty cool.
  11. ... ... ... ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLimgoingstraighttohellROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL!!! Oh man... I need that. Once again, I'm going straight to hell.
  12. TRANIUS ==================== Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Reserved for when I feel like turning on my Wii to check. Guitar Hero 3: Reserved for when I feel like turning on my Wii to check. Mario Kart Wii: Reserved for when I feel like turning on my Wii to check. Wii Code: Reserved for when I feel like turning on my Wii to check.
  13. I'm the guild baby. Does that count?
  14. That's not always a bad th- I'm... going... to go back to my baby crib and never speak again.
  15. Happy Mothers Day! What's weird is that for mother's day, my mom wanted to play Mario Kart with my brother and I. Needless to say, after about 5 games or so, she didn't want to play anymore >__>;;.
  16. Hmm... good read. I already knew it though.
  17. Subscribed. Which means it's awesome.
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