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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. ... Wooooow.
  2. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    I would vote Q for his insults towards moonkins. We can fly, but we usually choose not to. Edit: I realized that I can't vote. Somebody vote Q for me.
  3. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    Ben! Noooooo!
  4. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    I'd vote Letica again >__>;;
  5. Oh dear god, please don't give it to Wintress. I'll never be allowed to post here again .
  6. Beeeennn Don't forget to have people play me on Wii >__>;; So I can feel like I'm part of the fun.
  7. Rofl!
  8. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    Lol Short you're getting owned. It sucks that I couldn't sign up, but I would vote Letica just... just... because... I dunno. I would just vote him to mess with him.
  9. I'll come if you want. Moonkin with a scythe? Sounds good to me.
  10. Tomato Scare seems to be over. I just grabbed a burrito with Mild Salsa on the way back tonight .
  11. Happy Birthday dude <3
  12. His face scares the hell out of me, but it is pretty funny.
  13. Effing tomato scare. I can't get any mild salsa here in Michigan because of it. My mom brought home a Chipotle burrito and it had medium salsa. It... It just wasn't the same.
  14. I can't comment on this, because I can't remember what I just saw. I can't check again, because my eyes won't stop bleeding.
  15. lol...
  16. Win.
  17. /agree Ecthelion
  18. hi i'm big n furry and chickeny ur short and furry in the head Hi Corkie! -Tranius
  19. Meh, I just liked the first one because of the action. The plot line I didn't care too much for.
  20. As a member of Team Aggro, allies of Team Sauce, I must say this. Seriously, if you weren't invited by Sauce, GTFO. If he wanted everybody in his channel, he would've told everyone to hop in the channel.
  21. Kill yourself. I'd post what I get on my burrito, but everyone would laugh at me... so I won't.
  22. Azgaz could do it He got it well past 2k, last I heard. In S1 I think. I dunno, you know him better than I do Atrus, lol.
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