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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. WTF?! Did Hinanin just post on the forums?
  2. Circumcision began as a covenant between Abram's family and God after Abram was willing to sacrifice his son after God told him to. God told him to stop before he sacrificed his son, because he just wanted to test Abram's faith. After this, God commanded Abram to have every male in his family to be circumcised, as a sign of the covenant between the descendants of Abram and God. Later on, God renamed Abram, so he's known as Abraham. Now, that's why the Jews and Christians are circumcised. If you don't believe in God, it just comes down to whether or not your son wants to do it or not. As mentioned before, not having it done can be uncomfortable.
  3. I feel personally inclined to show all of you this. http://youtube.com/watch?v=f7nxRV9kZ8A&feature=related
  4. It's SOOOO hard to clean. And really painful if he decides to do it later.
  5. Happy Birthday tica! /sigh I'm not the guild baby anymore.
  6. Oh my god, this is amazing.
  7. You should all get a DS so I can completely demolish you all in everything ever. That is all.
  8. lawlawlawl doesn't bother me I'll be feral.
  9. D - Defense O - Of T - The A - Ancients It's a custom game supported by Blizzard in Warcraft III.
  10. Branham is Alex I think. Then again, I'm pretty sure Shiki would know, haha.
  11. Yeah, that's the one I play on as well. I'm Zyun0 I need to work on my strats. I used to play all the time, so I knew tons of strats. Now, not so many.
  12. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    It's alright Honki. They can't keep us down forever.
  13. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    Don't do that! You're the shepherd! They'll follow you!
  14. I knew Atrus was like... Warcraft III god, so I know about him, but I know there has to be other people that played Warcraft III or DotA out there. I'm playing right now, since it's maintenance time. Anybody feel like getting pwned? (Except you Atrus, you stay the hell away from me >__>;; Or you could be on my team)
  15. The premade thing pissed me the f**k off. Premades were actually the biggest reason that I returned to the game. I liked PvP'ing with friends. Hell, even when the group was full of crappy alts it was fun. I'm not going to continue this post though, because Ghost already said everything.
  16. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    /cast [target=memphis] Hibernate /cast [target=Ezmira] Cyclone GTF off of Trig! You guys couldn't eat him if you wanted to. He's got too much armor.
  17. Cottoneyejoe

    FP Survivor!

    I could get all the wool I need for a new set of clothes from all the sheep in this thread.
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