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Everything posted by Esteban

  1. Midterm break ftw! time to waste my time in this game
  2. I have taken up The Inkshaper project as a personal publishing tool. Basically what I am going to do is make handwritten coppies of various of The Inkshaper Tales. I have gotten a great deal of feedback from people at MUN and writers in St. Johns. These copies will be done in ink, in a very artistic fation. These copies are then going to be sold, and the profits will go to RIAC (Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council) as a donation. I was just throwing it out there. Each ordered copy turns to be around $1. I was just putting this on the table just in case anyone was interested. The first Tale will be released in 2-3 weeks. (this probably appeals more to my Canadian friends ^^) Key, Storm. send me your adress so I can send you the first one. and tell the UCA people the same.
  3. Gud times. Those noobs were telling us we sucked cuz we were #1 in 4v4 Arranged team. and 10 in 3v3. not to brag about our 7th spot on Solo.
  4. I'll kick your ass with my van if you try that key.
  5. dude. you are always welcome to come up here and camp at my Igloo.
  6. haha he'd get hit back with a weekend full of booze, clubs and hot chicks.
  7. Aight FP, it is time for me to take my leave. You all have been great. And I'd hate to think that me leaving the game would mean me breaking contact with all of you. Sadly it is something I have come to realize from the gaming scene. You just lose contact with the people you play with when you stop playing with them. I'd love to keep in contact with all of you at some level. Thats why I am leaving my E-mail adress on this message. If you feel like sending me an e-mail about anything, silly stuff, chit chat or whatever it'd be more than welcome (just dont spam plz you crazy little bastars ). All in all; the MMORPG experience has been great. And sharing all those evening raids with you has left me with so many great memories. The thing is; It is not my thing. I like playing videogames to have fun, grinding and ranking up is no fun. That is why I have deleted all my high level characters and locked myself out of my account. I am planing to rejoin WoW for BC just because I liked the exploring part of the game during my first year playing it. But after that... well it wasnt as much fun. So yeh. Thats my reason. no backing off now. My characters and my account has been locked since wednesday. I'll see you around PEACE -Este (Estebanrm@gmail.com)
  8. Esteban

    Been a while!!

    Go away krotas. hey frosty!
  9. woot I might actually put points in emp fireball now
  10. lol you are just taunting my opinion. I will leave it at that.. /cute....
  11. I like how you use the word sunshine in your writings. I can tell you have a background from the southern states. I could be wrong tho. I enjoy how melodic this is. and the last stanza.... well it is great.
  12. I am sorry if this sounds mean... but... an essential part of literature is that it has a purpose.... this is not lit by profesional standards. Now... I didn't see you use any of the tools a lit writer would use... I should probably read it a couple of times, but I generally pick up lit tools right away. Just right there is some good feedback. Give it a theme, and use lit tools. I did like the word choice here, it makes it look very authentic. But other than that (at the risk of sounding condecending) this is not literature. I vote for the writer's forum. It should be a private one too.
  13. hahah I know. I don't see this thread derailing too far from "hey check this out, what do you guys think". Once again, most of the posts Alex, alec, aelora kla and I made have a great deal of feedback on Alec's writing.
  14. Seriously bro.. did you read my super long post? I really doubt you did. You continue to stand on the basis that my comment was a offence towards you. I meerely took your post to point out that such kind of comments were insensible and shouldn't happen. If you knew me well enough, you'd understand that bashing a single person is not my style. Aelora: Reflecting on the emotion the writer left you with is a very important thing to do. It says a lot about various aspects of the work; such as atmosphere, theme and tone. However, not elavorating on said comment is iresponsible.
  15. I PASSED MY FRENCH EXAM! ok.. so take stricnyne's 8/8 kinda feel and multiply it by 100... thats kinda how I am feeling right now. It pretty much means; Esteban can stay in college and become a famous writer as well as a proffesor.
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