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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Hey stalyx! I'm the lone ranger in Savannah
  2. Your Type is INFP Introverted: 95 Intuitive: 44 Feeling: 6 Perceiving: 6 Im a Healer Idealist....im going to save the world apparantly so feel free to thank me now.
  3. Beornwarrior

    Bye Fp!

    Wait Avercy isnt a girl?
  4. Beornwarrior

    Bye Fp!

    Guild jumper!!
  5. Yeah I misunderstood your post as usual
  6. /throat punch Joesf If you had a bunch of random words with no context its hard to say even if its spelled correctly so I dont think the theory fails at all...you would still be able to read it. Along the lines of the human brain there was a pretty cool show on the Discovery channel yesterday about people with a special kind of autism I think it was. One guy can read 2 different pages at the same time and remember whatever he reads essentially forever. The other guy was an artist who could look at any building or aerial view of a city briefly and draw it to detail in under an hour. Basically there is so much information in this world with just looking at even your computer screen that your brain simply filters. It only processes what is important as if you took in everything you would simply be overloaded and couldnt function. The discovery channel is ftw.
  7. My assumption would be that the human mind compares the mispelled words to all words you've seen that are close to it and picks what it believes to be correct.
  8. I saw this like a year ago...it is ftw.
  9. Nintendos next system
  10. There are plenty of people who would buy it regardless but I can only imagaine how much these things are going to be ebayed for. Sony's launch titles look pretty weak. I have a PS2 but ill definitelly be passing on the PS3. The WII is obviously going to sell like Krispy Kreme Doughnuts based on its price and first party games. Nintendo generally lacks in the shooter department so I've been tempted to get a X360 for Gears of War, Lost Planet, Halo 3, etc. I'm going to have to skip Burning Crusade to justify a new system
  11. You sleep? I dont think I've ever been on and not seen you in /g
  12. Lol awesome thread Joe...if your too lazy to look through the thread I ROFL'd at these... http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y23/danielson283/byebye-1.png http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i148/fd3sinfini_god/excuseme.jpg http://i.pbase.com/o5/57/569157/1/67562142.AaoD16uG.uppersjuggernautcat.jpg http://www.importatlanta.com/upload/files/33/B33r-Doggie.jpg http://i7.tinypic.com/21d1j06.jpg I laughed so much I cried on this one...amazing.
  13. Beornwarrior


    Yeah that definitely looks freaking awesome. Watching the behind the scenes talking about how they did long uncut action shots for the movie is definitely ftw. Kinda along those lines if you liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, Fearless, etc check out the trailer for Curse of the Golden Flower.
  14. The feeling is mutual....</3 Dez
  15. I havnt listened to Weird Al in forever...he is ftw. White and Nerdy was amazing.
  16. Started work on a new signature for the forums and noticed a ton of cool screenshots I had. If you dont think they're cool....you can DIAFF. Hv on his nub mage got glitched out on a griffin...slightly high at the time and on a case of red bull Namaste atttempted flight off a tower in westfall and has not been seen online since then... http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/namaste.jpg The greatest wipe of all time...entire suppression room....thanks Dez http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/itsawipe.jpg So Meko plays Beorn quite a bit and its always interesting to login to something such as this... http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/wtfmeko.jpg Meko could probably make his warlock 3 times bigger than this....lol http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/bigmage.jpg Meatiersauce: Lololol Alliance suck so much....lets see what noob pug we get to own this time Taurenpower. Taurenpower: Ohhhh $*@* http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/localdefense.jpg /wave taurenpower http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/lololol.jpg DX is ftw and ran an awesome horde pvp group that was really the only competition for us unless it was Rage in their tier4. Here is an intense screenshot from one of our harder games... http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/DX.jpg For those of you that have fought Faeral and Cosmicfool at the same time....I found a strategy... http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/faeral.jpg I ended up defending the flag most of the time in AB. Decided to work on the graphic for the level 70 pvp weapon. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/2hgun.jpg AV Deathsquad (Tutubi, Bramas, Beorn, and unfortunately Hvilelos) http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/avdeathsquad.jpg Whenever the queue went over 30 secs we got very bored http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/fire.jpg GTFO!!!!!! http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/gtfo.jpg DI'd in Oggrimar...when the bubble expired I went down faster than a thai hooker http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/bubbleinogrimmar.jpg Meko? http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/meko.jpg Klaudius was high on something when we did this...craziest stuff I've ever heard on vent. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/number2.jpg So I looked over the edge where the gorilla was and wondered where it went...seconds after saying that I see Dez fly over my shoulder followed by America and Klaudius. About 30 minutes later we took down the gorilla and then jumped off again. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/skellybasejump.jpg This screenshot is brutal http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/skeletiger.jpg Avercy checking out the balcony in AQ40....two secret bosses up there supposably. On a side note Avercy is a guild jumping whore. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/avercyftl.jpg Finally, the shoulder/bracer/boot party in IF...it was so hot the next screenshot has been censored but the same result can be achieved by listening to FP Vent on raid nights... http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h77/vxthebear/WoW/party.jpg
  17. That's Gryph in the last picture if anyone was unsure.
  18. One would think that maybe an extra 10 minutes by an intern at blizzard could improve the graphic from a wood pole.
  19. I had a feeling it would get delayed. Portals just looks insane...Prey on crack. Interesting visual style on Team Fortress 2; kind of a light cel shading technique...I like it. Guess I'll have to buy Half Life: Episode 1 to tie me over.
  20. Those leggings look 10 times better than your banana legs. Grats man!
  21. Just too add to this post and convince the rest of you to go...it was awesome. Hvilelos and I were definitely laughing almost the entire time. There's definitely some disturbing snake scenes but you end up laughing anyways. Samuel Jackson uses a spear-gun, a flamethrower and at times his bare hands to simply palm snakes away. Utterly insane movie with no regard for making sense or taking anything too seriously. Hilarious movie; somewhat disturbing...and boobs. Go see it now! http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/gallery/1159269/photo_14_hires.jpg
  22. Definitely needs to be a remix where Cake is replaced with Baby. "You know i love babies." Oh, and she is totally hawt with the pink hair.
  23. Adding to this post since im not sure if anyone will actually read the article. The blood elf mount will be the cokatrice and the draeni mount will be the elekk which is supposably similar to a war elephant. Flying mounts will be an armored wyvern for the horde an a armored griffon for the alliance. The nether drake and other flying mounts will be extremely rare and most likely instance drops similar to how they are now. Kinda dissapointed about the flying mounts as I was hoping for a dragon.
  24. Found an article on gamespot today on the Burning Crusade and thought Id share a couple things from it. If you already know them act like you didnt =P Im assuming this will do away with pvp ranks. Curious as too how much honor armor/weapons will cost. Basically like the STV arena except it will be setup like a battleground where you Queue up. I've heard this idea mentioned alot and Im looking forward to this one. Along with fighting the horde you'll also be put up against alliance. This definitely allows alot more guilds the opportunity to progress as much as any other guild. I kinda agree with Blizzards decision; however, i think it will put the large guilds such as Immo, Rage, FP, etc. into a tough decision. Run two groups or drop to one. So you do a dungeon at level 62 and then when your 70 can go back play through it on a higher difficulty setting and receive better loot. You can read the rest of the Gamespot article here. The rest of the article goes into detail about the new dungeons being added.
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