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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Those guys are really talented. I enjoyed that quite a bit.
  2. I built my computer about a year ago but didnt have it working until about 4 months later. Took about a month to figure out that there was a cpu seating problem. Then my computer would crash whenever you put any sort of load on the system. Only way I figured this out with someone online who had almost the exact computer as I built and found the problem after testing multiple ram/mobo/etc. The power supply we bought was stated to be compatible with the mobo I had but would became unstable whenever the system was under load. Thermaltake said they were working on a solution but I never heard from them. Long story short it took about 4 months and an extra $200 to get my system finally working. Not saying that building your own computer is always this much as of a pain as my first computer that I built worked right away and is still running awesome. Theres kind of a pride people have building their own computer but ill be buying a alienware or something similar for my next computer (which is a ways off).
  3. Not necessarily. I believe blizzard is linking around servers in groups of 10-16 atleast last I heard. I'm interested to see what type of reward system they offer for world pvp and the extent of the objectives.
  4. Not to rain on your parade stang but these were on the homepage of worldofwarcraft.com and had atleast one topic on our forums about 3 months ago. With that said they are awesome and Ill have to watch them again. First link is their second movie. The second link won them the Xfire competition and made them known throughout the community.
  5. OMG about time noob.
  6. So there hasnt been much info on the new shoulder enchants (except for the stats which Hykos posted) and I've been really wanting to know how they are obtained. I found some information as I was trolling around and figured I would share it with you guys. The new shoulder enchants will drop off Sapphiron in Naxxramas. A Korean guild exploited the boss to drop him but received 2 items and 2 enchants. Power of the Scourge: +15 damage/healing and +1% to crit with spells Resilience of the Scourge: +31 healing and 5 mana per 5 sec Fortitude of the Scourge: 16 stam and 100 armor Might of the Scourge: +26 Attack Power and +1% crit In comparison the ZG exalted enchants are 18 damage/healing, 33 healing, and 30 attack power.
  7. WoW IRL dance off at "The Gathering 06" in Norway. Most of these are pretty bad and I pictured Dez doing something like this . Night elf male and Troll male were impressive. +1
  8. I rofl'd at the Red light/Green light. Good find.
  9. Also some info about epic corrupted ashbringer which could possibly be upgraded through whatever means to ashbringer some time in the future?
  10. This site may take a little while to load but it shows the stats for each of the 9 pieces of the tier3 sets. http://www.malicesb.net/wapnew/tier-3.php
  11. Its been a very long journey. My first days of pvp were so long ago thanks to some motivation from Arlan. Im obviously extremely happy that i finally made it and thats it finally over. There have been some rough spots along the way but I think ill really start to enjoy pvp now that its more of something i can just do here and there I look forward to seeing you all soon and the GM weapons will be out for MC tomorrow night. Grand Marshal Claymore to Molten Giant face is oh so sweet. Thanks to those who have listened to me complain on vent after a long day of pvping. Specials thanks to Shikimaru, Valdez, and Hvilelos who gave me a hand when i was out of town a few weeks ago. http://img307.imageshack.us/img307/4814/2hsword0pm.jpg http://img307.imageshack.us/img307/592/poelarm6ef.jpg
  12. Things turned out pretty good. Cycled about 15 or so FP through pvp over the course of the night ending around 2:30. It was around 50-60% FP for the night and was a big success in my opinion. Thanks for the help guys...see you soon
  13. LD is giving a try at MC tonight but I didnt sign up since I didnt plan on being gone for another week. Kind of a last minute thing so this may not work out. If your interested in some wsg/ab for 2-3 hours tonight starting at 9 hop on and send me a tell. If you have something else planned no biggy i might just hop in AV or whatever. If you can come great if not no biggy.
  14. What is this pvp you speak of?
  15. Beornwarrior

    Hey all!!

    Ill be looking for you soon... /pulls out [item]Grand Marshal's Claymore[/item]
  16. Beornwarrior

    Hey all!!

    I enjoy pwning your guild Zygar <3
  17. Stephen Colbert is ftw
  18. Good times...i need to get photoshop installed again some of those pictures turned out too bright. It bothers me The 4th picture from the bottom is of the actual "spring" or where the water comes from for the lake or river (not sure which). There are 3 of these at the spot where we were and they're about 15 feet deep with small caves off to the side. Hvilelos is teh master at staying underwater at the bottom for long periods of time. Im not used to the water pressure down there so maybe one day i wont be so much of a nub And yes Hvilelos made fun of me for taking the picture crooked...he posted it too further that
  19. Yeah ive seen this a while ago and it is impressive as far as camera styles etc but overall its not as insane as its made out to be. About 80% of the fights is him using recklessness (Flask and elemental sharpening stones in the world pvp). So while still lots of damage its not like hes doing that much all the time. Its just alot of those once in a while crazy situations where your crits with recklessness hit like a truck. (non recklessness) On a side not I got a 3553 MS off on a mage a week or 2 ago beating his highest MS shown (granted i do have an untamed though). Also got a 1600 white auto attack with a 1700 sword spec on a shadow priest last night. Not trying to say he sucks but just that warriors dont need a nerf because you saw a video of a guy popping recklessness everytime it was up for a month and putting the craziest together for a video. Maydie PVP Video Higher Quality If you have some time i would recommend watching Drakkus Rank 14 Warrior. Definitely a more skilled warrior in my opinion and gives a better look at the type of damage we do. The music and effects arent as good as Maydie but this is pretty close to how i play in regards to decisions playing against various classes. Fellow warriors can pickup some good tips here as i have. Also, WTB healers to follow me around after 14 somtime so i can pwn people and make a video
  20. Beornwarrior


    Allakhazam says 1.15 which is 35 seconds less than the TOeP O.o
  21. Beornwarrior


    GG Blizz? I guess it levels the playing field in pvp but i like being overpowered. Maybe stop doing 40 mans lawl? [item]Talisman of Ephemeral Power[/item] [item]Draconic Infused Emblem[/item]
  22. Im impressed that they dropped so quickly. Congrats guys and Nef next week
  23. /nerf stric OHHHHHH MAN!!!!
  24. zomg thanks for taking those pictures stang! So far Ive enjoyed it quite a bit. War Tigers ftw.
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