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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Crazy fight...props to the priests/pallys/druids in particular I have no idea how you guys kept ratava and I up for so long but I salute you. Can't wait till Friday when FP goes back to own some more. Grats to Ratava for receiving the coolest 2H in the game in my opinion... Halberd of Smiting
  2. Seemed a little cheesy at first but got progressively better. I laughed quite a bit; it is very well done. The composer of the closing credits music is perhaps the coolest guy of all times.
  3. No love for newegg.com garnok?
  4. lol dont see how i missed that one thanks for pointing it out
  5. I like knowing what dropped etc ill keep the drops updated as long as someone else likes them listed Arcanist mantle - Clopenzo Gianstalker gloves - Reinhard Crimson Shocker - Whispera Mantle of Prophecy - Stangmeister Ring of Spellpower - Holi Lawbringer Chestguard - Ravenheart Robes of Prophecy - Erlin Fire Runed Grimoire - Jutes Felheart bracers - Kait Felheart belt - Readyakira Cenarion bracers - Gynis Gianstalker belt - Akkasha Arcanist belt - Heilel
  6. Felheart gloves - Thornblade Arcanist boots - Esteban Felheart pants - Sonnyb Giantstalker leggings - Miz Aged Core Leather Gloves - NomadX Gianstalker boots - Elfira Nightslayer cover - Alyn Lawbringer helm - Whitehead Aurastone hammer - Willas Lawbringer belt - Gianstalker bracers - I also like knowing what dropped and who got what so ill start keeping track on a piece of paper instead of relying on my brain.
  7. Asus P5AD2 Premium Intel P4 3.4Ghz Asus X800 XT PE Pci-Express Ultra X-Connect 500watt Modular Power Supply Corsair 512x2 5400 DDR2 XMS2 Western Digital 74gb 10K SATA WD Raptor Koolance Exos Liquid Cooling System Sony PremierPro 23" Widescreen (FTW) Tsunami Dream with X-panel (case) Lots of blue blinking LEDs Razor Diamonback mouse
  8. same as everyone else above me...
  9. =P
  10. lol 2nd post stang (news section) ill put it here as well so someone doesnt have to remember what dropped Cenarion Spaulders - Arafelz won but gave to Shoop Seal of the Archmagus went to Bombina Giantstalker gloves - Sumic won but gave to Garnok Nightslayer boots went to Miroku unopposed (all rogues have gotten something this week)
  11. Cenarion Spaulders - Arafelz won but gave to Shoop Seal of the Archmagus went to Bombina Giantstalker gloves - Sumic won but gave to Garnok Nightslayer boots went to Miroku unopposed (all rogues have gotten something this week)
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