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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Unfortunately...our hardcore PVP division is still small (we have like 9-11 hardcore pvpers) although maybe we can expand this if more of you can get decked out in arena gear but guilds like Apocalyspe that have a very large group of people that pvp would definitely cream us. PVE is ftl come to the skill side of WoW
  2. Yeah I was thinking of going Axe in Season 3 since I dont know a decent shaman or have a spot for one atm...although I still kinda like maces. (so basically idk). Mace stuns dont always come at the right times but its definitely helped in 2v2 and 3v3 to stun classes enough to knock some damage off me while im getting focused or to provide time where the healer cant shield/hot/or shapeshift. Even with resilience I still think Axe spec is awesome...always liked sword spec but im kinda neutral about it atm. Reading over the warrior forums there's never a clear winner in terms of spec and comes down to the skill of the warrior. Also, in the pvp discussion they said with the start of season 3 the season 1 gear will become available through the BG honor system, rogues will eventually be getting more mobility particularly for 5v5, prot and dps spec'd warriors will become more neturalized so both specs are fairly effective at both, and they may once again encourage taking over cities. Plus the whole you need a certain rating to buy an arena weapon /lame. (the blizz guy said something like 1900 but they hadnt decided on it yet)
  3. firefox ftw
  4. I've been to a couple raids of late and have Blood Frenzy along with keeping battle shout on the rogues....Im not sure how much their dps went up but maybe they could chime in and you could see if its worth it. To be honest I would think having a fury warrior would be really helpful for most raiding groups. My gear definitely isnt bad but its obviously more pvp oriented and with my spec, using a 2h, and it being a mace my dps isnt anywhere close to the rogues. I'd really like to try a 17/44/0 build and go duelwield and see what kind of damage I could put out in a group with say 2 rogues and 2 beast master hunters or with windfury. I think improved battleshout for the rogues and the hunter pets along with the damage a fury warrior could put out would push raid dps up significantly. Maybe if I get into some karas or with season 3 ill pick some weapons up and see how it goes.
  5. Yeah it must suck immensely too lose that many points...down in your bracket now Gynis. to far? I couldnt resist =/
  6. rofl
  7. I very highly doubt they would make a 6 second silence (in a manner of speaking) that turns healing into damage dispellable so you could heal right away.
  8. I want a very very detailed description Vanin....and yeah that unholy embrace is going to suck so much in arena....focus fire random person. /cast unholy embrace and /lol at healer
  9. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/ =P
  10. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/
  11. how the eff did he not get any injuries from that
  12. In the words of Borat..."I like you I like Sex...Very nice /two thumbs up"
  13. ROFL that guy is awesome
  14. Q4 is where its at for FPS...im pumped. Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect, Half-Life 2:The Orange Box, Army of Two, Unreal Tournament 3, and Crysis. /out of money buying a new graphics card
  15. Yep....thats the earth
  16. /drinks 2 mountain dews at the same time
  17. Beornwarrior

    25 Things

    WTF what a noob...the badness of a movie is directly proportional to how long Adam Sandler or Lindsay Lohan are in it. Blackhawk down was an awesome war movie and is probably close to the HPM record (helicopters per minute).
  18. lol that would be the best pet ever...he would have to randomly say his lines as well...'we smoke as we shoot the bird'
  19. Rofl nice thats pretty much how the universe happened
  20. How is that interesting?
  21. rofl how is garnoks pet not in that picture
  22. I completely agree with Hitler
  23. "HV's Hair, is going to cancer kids"...I hope you mean that your hair is going to somehow give kids cancer. Thats totally not metal if your helping stupid kids...and I thought I used protection wth
  24. If you havnt seen Live Free or Die Hard yet go see it...awesome movie plus the guy who is starring in hitman plays the bad guy. He doesnt look like he fits the part to me. Jason Statham would have been perfect but maybe it going to be a somewhat low budget movie idk.
  25. /agree
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