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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. 35 Epic items for FP this week I believe that beats our previous record of 34. FPFTW! Arcanist Boots - Tutubi Felheart Gloves - Kait Gianstalker Legplates - Akkasha Arcanist Leggings - Stricnyne Obsidian Edged Blade - Twigs Giantstalker Belt - Garnok Cenarion Bracers - Dagorian Lawbringer Gauntlets - Valdez Manastorm Leggings - Aelora Felheart Bracers - SonnyB Belt of Might - Beornwarrior Cenarion Helm - Klaudius Gutgore Ripper - Taeverik Aurastone Hammer - Gynis Felheart Shoulder Pads - Rodarn Lawbringer Spaulders - Willas Cenarion Gloves - Gynis Felheart Slippers - Mekock Giantstalker Epaulets - Reinhard Nightslayer Shoulder Pads - Daghostmaker Felheart Bracers - Krotas Breastplate of Might - Gryph Nightslayer Chestpiece - Stub Obsidian Edged Blade - Tammy Felheart Belt - Thornblade Arcanist Belt - Xarn Belt of Might - Vanin Ancient Petrified Leaf - Loofa Core Hound Tooth - Miroku Core Forged Greaves - Hinanin Onyxia Helm of Wrath - Katrinarose Stormrage Helm - Dagorian Vis'kag the Bloodletter - Vanin Ring of Binding - Beornwarrior Onyxia Head - Nirendessa
  2. Thats atleast 3 times better than how we do it....
  3. We obviosuly did very well but it seemed that it was to chaotic to fast. I wasnt really able to see what was going on but we should be able to drop a decent amount of the ads for the first couple of minutes. Watching the video it seemed fairly organized for the first 3 minutes or so. It takes 3 seconds to break an egg with a 7 second cooldown. 10 seconds times 30 eggs is 300 seconds divided by 60 is 5 minutes. Obviously you have to get mind control back every 30 seconds or so so we should have around 6 minutes in stage 1 as Ghost suggested. Also of note is that Razorgore has various stances which can be changed (although loses mc). Near the final eggs when the controller is about to lose mc they should probably change razorgore to attack stance. Attack - Balanced Defensive - 10% less damage done....10% less damage taken (default) Berserker - 10% more damage taken....+3% to crit
  4. Finally looked through this thread although most of the pictures are broken /cry and thought id put one up of myself. Like most people i hate pretty much every picture of me but i found this one and quite liked it. Before my agro days i was a traitorous assassin and here im reaching for my trusty deagle about to end someones day with a big http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7738/beorn5jp.jpg
  5. "their obsession to gain power at any cost has set them on a collision corse with the horde,and a destiny they could not have forseen" The quote means that their quest for power led them to join the horde. Gamespot has an interview with Blizzard and they state that the Blood Elves will be on the horde side.
  6. Found a better picture of the shammy/pally armor which looks pretty dang nice http://www.wowszene.de/files/JDandTS.jpg
  7. wow...w00t for pally's
  8. I am not impressed at all...wrath looks weird and stupid. I already have the wrath helm but whenever we get more wrath drops i will pass. Blah blah its about stats but the graphics are more important to me for whatever reason =)
  9. About 7 FP went to do the Barov quest in Western Plaguelands tonight. Afterwards we chased horde around WPL encountering EB quite a bit and just simply owning everything in sight. Everyone got around 100+ HKs and the satisfaction of ganking all those noobs who got you when you were still questing. After FP owned everything we decided to 4 man undercity and were victorius. FPFTMFW http://img491.imageshack.us/img491/2580/undercity7nn.jpg
  10. lol funny stuff...they spelled axe wrong though =)
  11. Nice picture erlin! Grats man!
  12. bump for 10/27/05 loot
  13. ROFL esteban ftw
  14. Arcanist Boots - Stricnyne Crimson Shocker - Ladyakira Cenarion Leggings - Arafelz Pants of Prophecy - Retsnimle Flameguard Gauntlets - Twigs Gianstalker Bracers - Akkasha Lawbringer Gauntlets - Siegeman Sabatons of Might - Ratava Felheart Horns - Readyakira Lawbringer Helm - Valdez Flameguard Gauntlets - Oragon Lawbringer Belt - Hinanin Felheart Bracers - Rodarn Felheart Shoulder Pads - Thornblade Lawbringer Spaulders - Kaslor Felheart Slippers - SonnyB Gianstalker Gloves - CC Mantle of Prophecy - Aelora Nightslayer Shoulder Pads - Malkoran Gianstalker Breastplate - Usagimidori Arcanist Robes - Sicbo Obsidian Edged Blade - Dwemer Sulfuron Ignot - *Guild Bank* The Eye of Divinity - Erlin Fireguard Shoulders - Shikimaru Core Forged Gleaves - Vanin
  15. Siegman is right
  16. umm yeah my bad copy paste ftw
  17. ZG Leg/Head Enchants -You must also obtain a reputation of Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe. Druid - Animist's Caress Primal Hakkari Bindings Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Protection Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 10 Intellect, and increases healing by up to 24 to a leg or head slot item. Hunter - Falcon's Call Primal Hakkari Stanchion Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Rapidity Permanently adds 24 Ranged Attack Power, 10 Stamina, and 1% Chance to hit to a leg or head slot item. Mage - Presence of Spirit Primal Hakkari Girdle Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Focus Permanently adds 18 to damage spells and +1% to hit with spells to a leg or head slot item. Paladin - Syncretist's Sigil Primal Hakkari Shawl Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Protection Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 7 Defense, and increases healing by up to 24 to a leg or head slot item. Priest - Prophetic Aura Primal Hakkari Tabard Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Focus Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 4 mana per 5 sec, and increases healing by up to 24 to a leg or head slot item. Rogue - Death's Embrace Primal Hakkari Kossack Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Rapidity Permanently adds 28 Attack Power and 1% Dodge to a leg or head slot item. Warlock - Hoodoo Hex Primal Hakkari Armsplint Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Focus Permanently adds 10 Stamina and increases spell damage and healing by up to 18 to a leg or head slot item. Warrior - Presence of Might Primal Hakkari Aegis Voodoo Doll Arcanum of Protection Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 7 Defense, and 15 Shield Block value to a leg or head slot item. Arcanum of Focus - Libram of Focus - Pristine Black Diamond - 4x Large Brilliant Shard - 2x Skin of Shadow Arcanum of Protection - Libram of Protection - Pristine Black Diamond - 2x Large Brilliant Shard - Frayed Abomination Stitching Arcanum of Rapidity - Libram of Rapidity - Pristine Black Diamond - 2x Large Brilliant Shard - 2x Blood of Heroes [61] Elven Legends is the prerequisite quest that must be completed before Lorekeeper Lydros will talk to you. Obtain the quest from Scholar Runethorn on Feathermoon, travel to the DM library, click on a skeleton next to Lorekeeper Lydros, and return to Scholar Runethorn.
  18. To limit the amount of posts ill try to keep each weeks loot in one post...if im not a raid feel free to post it and ill tack it on the top.
  19. Felheart shoulder pads - Readyakira Ring of spell power - *dusted* Aged core leather gloves - *dusted* Felheart belt - Kait Arcanist bindings - Tutubi Cenarion gloves - Klaudius Shadowstrike - Ginn Nighstlayer shoulder pads - Tavarik Nighstlayer chestpiece - Malkoran Giantstalker's brestplate - Loofa Magna igniting cord - Esteban Sulfuron ignot - *guild bank*
  20. Moonkin form is too cool...I believe soma stayed in Moonkin form pretty much the entire run which is a testament to his skills as a druid
  21. I really like the way this picture turned out and have changed my desktop background temporarily... Larger Version http://img423.imageshack.us/img423/2493/magmadarcavern9xi.jpg
  22. FPFTW good job guys Cenarion boots - Enigami Heavy dark iron ring - Gryph Gianstalker leggings - Usagimidori Felhart pants - Rodarn Obsidian edged blade - Joesf Gianstalker bracers - Garnok Nightslayer gloves - Shadowtheif Sorcerous dagger - Jutes Gutgore ripper - Miroku Drillborer disk - Frighten Aurastone hammer - Heliacon
  23. Another picture that has been on Allakhazam for a little while...different head piece on this one which I imagine will be the final design excluding the cool npc guy. On a side note i saw a warlock in the tier 2 pvp gear and it had the smoke coming off it as well it was very impressive. http://wow.allakhazam.com/images/fashion/bloodfang5fk.jpg
  24. wow...panda ftw
  25. Loot Primal Hakkari Aegis - Skee Primal Hakkari Aegis - Miroku Primal Hakkari Armsplint - Shadowtheif Halberd of Smiting - Ratava Primalist's Seal - Klaudius Zulian Stone Axe - Xinia Jeklik's Opaline Talisman - Sonnyb Strategy We killed the raptor first and then proceeded to kill the Bloodlord. Our strategy isnt quite perfected yet but Garnok and I had a few ideas afterward to make the next fight a little easier. For those of you who havnt fought this guy its an interesting fight.
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