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Everything posted by Cottoneyejoe

  1. New Bass Guitar (Ibanez GSR200) New Amp (Acoustic 200H head, 115H Cabinet) New Bass Bag Half of my Bass Big Muff distortion pedal paid for New Bass Strap New Sweatshirt Cash New Bass Guitar Stand New Bass Strings
  2. I call it "More hair to shave off".
  3. This is win. I thought it was SOOOO funny.
  4. That actually looks like something I would enjoy.
  5. Well, I AM called Tranny for a reason...
  6. *walking down the hallway with Kib's brother* Me: Alright, I'm going to head to class. Look, it's Clatyon! (Ericho) Kib's Bro: Hey Clayton! Me: And he's walking with some tall chick with a lot of make up on- OH MY GOD THAT'S JUSTIN! (Kibai)
  7. I'm going to gank the crap out of you.
  8. Happy birthday, Mr. Priest With A Leather Fetish!
  9. Yeah... I can't get it until I get back from Indianna on Sunday. I hope there are copies left...
  10. When I Get Insanely Bored... Headbanging necessary.
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