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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. hahahahahahahahaha i <3 my overpriced lego-filled childhood
  2. well said, if it wasn't for FP i'd have left WoW some months ago, but u guys just rock too much
  3. yay! este 's teh man! mayb he IS 2 feet tall... but he's still teh man!
  4. omg dez i don't like u nemore! i was JUST thinking about posting some "omg i love u FP" thing, (apparently i was bored, cuz nothing of significance has happened to me to say thanks for in the past... 3 months... lol) loved the screenies btw, visits down memory lane to the old days r always fun ^^
  5. LOL <3 twigs =D
  6. dammit este mayb i should go to MUN if for no other reason than to SBX ur ass O_o
  7. Krotas

    Been a while!!

    WoW > BW; its not a matter of taste, its a matter of who's cool and who isn't i=P
  8. rofl gryph what can i say man, after all.. ur kind of a big deal ^_-
  9. omg!!! :*( srry im late for teh raid and/or gryph's farewell! the dumb server wont let me log in, stuck at "success!" for like half an hour :*( if i dont get in, I LOVE YOU GRYPH!!! oh God i need to stay away from stang...
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY TOOK AWAY MY LASTING AFFLICTIONS!!!! THAT WAS AN AWSOME TALENT!!! :*( also they gave our AOE shadow dmg + stun spell a casting time... a rogue 70 lvls higher thna us now has a chance of beating us again.
  11. Thanks for taking the time to post that tab; shows alot about character when someone takes the time to write such a thing
  12. dude if that happened to my car i'd be PISSED
  13. HOW THE F**K DID U DO 66 THOUSAND DMG IN ONE SPELL!?!?!?!? That's it, no more coe, I quit.
  14. omg benny were SO facing each other in smash when it comes out.... me teh smash pwnzor =P
  15. omg living in canada, being under 18 and having to worry about school getting in the way of FP party's FTL!
  16. Krotas


    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The fear of long words.
  17. "site temporarily offline" lol
  18. woot! love u stang... if u hadnt posted that damn maze i wouldnt have been rdy for this one ^^
  19. Krotas

    Hey there FP.

    omg i lost internet, was not my fault i tell u!!! U GOT THE WRONG MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /cry
  20. Krotas

    Hey there FP.

    omg a stranger, get out. and im not talking about lyssa.... =P
  21. boo i wish i could find me old screen shots :*( the erliest one i ever took was me wondering what hotkey the "print screen" button was... the first real one was me swimming into BB at lvl 14 fourth day of game release... thinking i had found some secret city of the ancients or something =P btw i killed a lvl 18 undead i found in one of the shops... BB didnt have gaurds at the time ^^
  22. :*( come back soon!
  23. "i'm dating pam" "what, my pam?"
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