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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. LOL
  2. I.. I am done... yes... done... I will put this down... and never do this again... yes... I am done... bye bye lawl
  3. um... Tom... wana get something to eat later...? =D
  4. first off... that's binadian to you. secondly stang i believe u are correct and i'm alrdy buying tickets online =P
  5. stricnyne?
  6. I once jumped on a pogo stick 1400 times without stopping.... now THAT is time on ur hands (i also did 1 handers, flips, and jumped off of a set of stairs... after climbing up them... =P )
  7. dictionary
  8. hahaha suckers! http://www.stealthswitch.com/
  9. http://www.tudou.com/player/player.swf?iid=5472269 it looks cool in an amusing and over-used way until u see the last shot of text come up... and then u start to laugh =P
  10. i....i... get wings?
  11. Krotas

    desktop TD

    hahahah that's wut i like to hear =D
  12. Krotas

    desktop TD

    OMG! hard mode final score 5469 PWWWWNNNNNNNEEEEDDDD!!! =D my friend got a score of 6700 on medium and he couldnt beat me on hard =D (check GSD group =P )
  13. Krotas

    desktop TD

    hahahaha u know u love me =D
  14. Krotas

    Fun Map Game

    MAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! lol "average error: 0km" but it took me 491 seconds =P
  15. Krotas

    desktop TD

    um... i win? http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/GroupScoreboard.asp =D
  16. Krotas

    Just for drunk

    yah that was an accident, il try harder next time
  17. Krotas

    Just for drunk

    yes you should!
  18. Krotas

    Just for drunk

    stop bothering me here and go post how great my movie finding skillz are on the WoW addiction video ^^
  19. Krotas

    Just for drunk

    what are u talking about...
  20. joe have u been following me around or something?
  21. Krotas

    Just for drunk

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1npg5_lucky-star-op i took your concern to heart, and came up with this in response ^_^
  22. http://www.qj.net/How-do-you-end-your-MMO-...pg/49/aid/88733 lawlawlawl sooo many references to soo many things =P
  23. now now loofy we have to keep the forums familly friendly... lawl
  24. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ just made me an uber 1337 =P
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