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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. Krotas

    Moving On

    It's been fun man, gl in that crazy thing called RL! (which btw i have yet to determine what or where it is....)
  2. GRATS!!!!!
  3. *cough* yah 9 who do u have to thank for the self rez ability? =D btw notice in every video if u watch carefully who is the person to yell in G chat that the boss is down =D little hobby of mine ^^
  4. um.... who wants to run deadmines, i need to avenge my father
  5. A bunch of guys in my com science class used to play this thing all day... I think the highest mark any of them got was a 60...
  6. rofl that was a classic
  7. lmao that was sad beyond words
  8. Krotas

    Ninja Looter

  9. Krotas

    New record

    So im in the naxx raid and we are on our second attempt of the first boss in the death knight wing (instructor razuvious), and i pull aggro off of him just long enough for him to hit me one, just once. That hit was for 47 thousand damage. Sadly i was too shocked to get a screeny at the time, but if u've ever hit or been hit for more, id like to know
  10. I concur with my associate Miz, that sig is teh rockzors gryph
  11. Krotas

    GW vs WoW

    Am i the only one from the good ol' days of UCA / purification that noticed this guy basically copied juniorx's video in terms of the WoW scenes? O_o
  12. My lord.... has this man even seen a warcraft game box on a shelf before? "dont drive over mines, because that could kill your character"... where are these magical vehicles and warzones with land mines? lol
  13. welcome back
  14. Krotas

    Important Poll!

    i'm a kid so il go with cinamin toast crunch.... dam that stuff tastes great.
  15. Ladies and gents of FP, i give u the legendary items (plural) of patch 1.11: http://www.whataboutpp.com/nax-weapons.php There are also some interesting stuff on tier 3 sets, jewlcrafting and other various things. Also everything is in english and the items don't have typos in them (lol)
  16. yay! it's exist! too bad u gave up WoW exist, warlocks are the new shamans of PvP
  18. Krotas

    Nef down

  19. uber!
  20. conflagerations! If your like me this will be the beginning of a long line of raiding runs filled with craploads of epic lootz
  21. death
  22. LOL stang ur great
  23. zomg new site ftw sign me up for the fake raid woot! i'd b like joe and say "il tank" as a cloth wearer, sept i alrdy seem to do an awful lot of that : /
  24. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...er&T=153822&P=1 zomg yay! obviosuly were #1 ^^
  25. r o f l must be great to get paid for telling jokes to gamers after making them wait in line for an hour... oh and having lvl 250 chars with tier 5000 gear
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