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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. That's it, I can't take it... time to break out the desktop TD ^^ zomg SUM1 beat my 7K score <.<
  2. Krotas

    Cat thread

    i felt that from over here
  3. Krotas

    Cat thread

    lmao... i should come to atl just to see the look on ur face =P <3
  4. Krotas

    Cat thread

    um... one of them was like "haha that's cute..." then i looked at him and said "do u feel seduced in anyway" and he replied "yah deffinitely" ..I think he wants to bang ur dog....
  5. /cry i poured out my soul for him! and he wouldn't let me watch!
  6. Krotas

    Cat thread

    yah it's working thanks gg
  7. Krotas

    Cat thread

    yah i just told them what u said i think they r getting... um... frisky too bad they're straight... gg get over here and seduce them for me
  8. Krotas

    Cat thread

    there r three 18 yr old men behind me... they liked the cat porn....
  9. Krotas

    Cat thread

    shhh! i'm trying to make loofy jealous! oh... shit... now nef is gonna read this and see i've been cheating on him <.< oh crap! STANG! LOOK AWAY!
  10. i think he'd be more focused on me... i have yet to decide if this is a good thing O_o also gg wtf? that last post moved u from "amateur" to "pro"... i can't tell Tom he's with an amateur over those late night calls nemore!
  11. Krotas

    Cat thread

    LOL awsome pic gg also u + shower = hawt O_o
  12. Krotas

    If I was cool...

    ahahha that's a first from loofy =P
  13. i only wish i was as cool as them...
  14. Krotas

    Cat thread

    damn, last week there were 7 dogs at my house (familly party, like 17 ppl were crammed into my backyard); and they all watched a golden retriever try to take on my cat... and run away screaming 10 seconds later i shoulda taken a pic
  15. rofl! I did not see that comming
  16. lol nice
  17. look, even gg is arroused by my extreme manlyness oh...wait... not much of an accomplishment, huh =P <3 yah gg =D
  18. Your my hero gg now if only u wern't one of those girl things...
  19. Krotas

    Emo lawl

    ew girls...seriously dude.... it was the guy infront of me that i got with =P
  20. Krotas


    um... why does it list google.com right next to the list of every1 that's online...? is google looking to buy out the last little corner of the net they don't have complete dominance over? =P
  21. Krotas

    Emo lawl

    I was in chem class yesterday and the teach said something along the lines of "and this is what makes chemsitry fun!".... the girl behind me started laughing quietly and said "yah right" under her breath... i then replied "yah excuse me while i go cut myself" only to realise i said it loud enough for the whole class to hear.... after what followed i think i'll make like the grass and /cut myself
  22. total annihilation FTW!
  23. Krotas

    Game Shows!

    "something u need to know about a man before u marry him" "his name" um... well let's see...loofy and gg know my name.... loofy, get over here
  24. EXIIIST! i just got a msg saying u added me on facebook... i was like "who the ef is mackinnon?" lol <3 yah man =D
  25. RIP Mario... <3
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