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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. hahaha... thank all thats good in this world that i live in Canada... U HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER ME BUSH! MWHAHAHAHAHHA! srry sometimes i get carried away
  2. rings.. gear.... epic gear!!!
  3. felheart =P
  4. i took hundreds of amazing screenshots but i dont even know how to post them on here (lol) i probably could figure it out if i gave it a try but its 2 am right now il look at it tomorrow
  5. you forgot to mention that we also need to collect approximately 35 thousand silithid carapaces, which drop off of the lvl 59 - 61 elite mobs across silithus. on a related note, FP has collect over 1 THOUSAND of said carapaces in A SINGLE MORNING!! FPFTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Krotas

    Owned (fast cash)

    my lord in heaven... marbo can i borrow 400g? lol jks
  7. hahahahaha thats hilarious
  8. makes you wonder what would drive someone to be.. that.. well, much of a looser to be frank. Lets make sure he goes on the top of the shitlist and never speak of him or his issues ever again...
  9. grats este, and gl with that conquering the world thing... just make sure u remember the little people
  10. I feel absolutely terrible, today i was in the MC raid, we did well and killed every boss up to rag. At one boss about half way through, (im bad with names) a pair of epic leggings dropped, i liked them and saw no1 else needed so i used my RTU on them and won. Later in the run, mageblade dropped off another boss; i was ecstatically excited and happy because i had only seen it drop once before and have always wanted it; in my excitement i neglected to realise that i had already used my RTU once this run; i rolled, using all my points, and won an rtu roll for the second time in the same MC run. about 5 minutes later stang msges me and asks if i payed for the pants, at first i smiled thinking how well my winnings were this run; about 2 seconds later i realised wut he meant to imply, and that it was totally true. I ninja looted an epic item that about 7 other people in the raid wanted to use. I want to say, right now and from the deepest part of my heart, that i am truely sorry, to everyone that rolled and to everyone in the raid for what i have done; especially to stricnyne since he would have won if i hadnt rolled. I wish to make it very clear that i am at the disposal of every1 that rolled for mageblade; i will repay u in any way you ask. I would also like to strongly express how bad i feel over, for the purpose of this topic, stole from stricnyne. He clearly displayed his feelings over this matter through in game tells to me; and refused any and all pathetic attempts i could muster for an apology, as well as made it clear that he does not want money. Stricnyne i know your very upset with me and you have every right to be, if there is anything i can do please please PLEASE tell me. Fellow guild members informed me that my, in my opinion, minor punishment for this deed was enough to repay u, however i think differently. If you ever come to forgive me enough to talk to me again just tell me what you want and i will use all my power to get it for you. Again, i apologize to stricnyne, all those that rolled, the raid group as a whole, and the entirety of FP; I hope i can, someday, find a way to truely repay you all for this; and for all the wonderful things you have all done for me in the past which i have yet to repay. -krotas
  11. For the record i was the loot master; i also was the one that reported him, the GM told me the issue would be investigated for anyone that is interested to know. Hopefully such an incident will never happen to us again, i would also like to take this time to reiderate that we all hate PUG's for this very reason. Thank you for those compliments in your little story bentley
  12. Krotas


    mwhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! this is my 150th post! gogo meee! *remembers bentley posting 200 posts in 2 days* yah ok so mayb im not that good but i feel special neways! ive never been called a pro before mayb a nerd.... but we wont get into that right now
  13. hahaha, it sais im 71% addicted. For the record i bought the game the very day it was released; played in the beta before that, have maxed out the # of chars im allowed to create on one server, and my total /played is well over 50 days (i dont remember what it actually is; but krotas alone has a /played of like 40 days lol) so yah in conclusion this test is bugged
  14. all this time ive been hangin out with mutated dranie!? please elaborate... (lol)
  15. Krotas

    AQ Mats

    yup; but rlly the only difference is (for instance) alliance hand in linnen bandages while horde hand in wool, then we get silk and they get mageweave; and so on with all of the collection mat types also alliance have to hand in more than horde since there are more alliance than horde on this server; its to ballance things out
  16. dam frost do u get payed to laugh down upon me? lol jks im 16 u noob, same as u
  17. Krotas


  18. lata esteb! will miss u
  19. where do u get these? and are nexus crystals the new enchant mats for d/eing epic items?
  20. i might help if i can find my old TFT game case.... (lol) btw this is keyboy
  21. ouch frost that hurts... u dont remember good ol' keyboy? lol ur lukky u dont play wow or i'd have to use my /slap function
  22. merry christmas! happy new year! happy holidays if u arnt christain! and happy birthday to our Mr. twigs!
  23. and this is why i frikking love this guild... i havnt lost my hearing yet.... FPFTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!! u kno if we said that on vent as many times as we typed it we would sound worse than them O_o
  24. owell old or not, ive never seen the old post and i just added myself on the map to this one btw it randomly put my mark thingy over some random university in To when i entered i live in TO, so dont go looking for me in down-town toronto... lol
  25. /cry... what has the world come to? i think im going to go set a church on fire now... then mayb eat some spagetti... or perhaps il start to talk to it... or worship it... or hail before it like a peasant facing a god... who knos?
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